State and Local Elections

Ilhan Omar win

The 2018 Election: A Blue Wave With a Harsh Red Undertow The 2018 Election: A Blue Wave With a Harsh Red Undertow

The midterms revealed a country still divided, but a string of noteworthy progressive victories provides a road map for a more perfect union.

Nov 7, 2018 / Robert L. Borosage

Early Voting Wisconsin

Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote

In addition to casting your own ballot, you can report voter intimidation and drive people to the polls.

Nov 6, 2018 / NationAction

Is This the Year That Democrats Finally Turn Around the States?

Is This the Year That Democrats Finally Turn Around the States? Is This the Year That Democrats Finally Turn Around the States?

The party can pick up six to 10 state chambers, but there’s still no “Operation Bluemap” to drive money and resources into these crucial races.

Nov 5, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Information Sign About Voting in Spanish

Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress

A joint Investigative Fund–Nation exposé shows that language accommodation for voting (or the lack thereof) could swing 20 congressional elections.

Nov 5, 2018 / Richard Salame

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump Is Somebody Who Clearly Does Not Respect Democracy’

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump Is Somebody Who Clearly Does Not Respect Democracy’ Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump Is Somebody Who Clearly Does Not Respect Democracy’

The senator explains why Democrats must challenge right-wing extremism.

Nov 2, 2018 / John Nichols

Daryl Metcalfe

This Pennsylvania Legislator Is an Open White Supremacist—and He’s Up for Reelection This Pennsylvania Legislator Is an Open White Supremacist—and He’s Up for Reelection

Can November’s blue wave wash away Butler County’s foremost bigot, State Representative Daryl Metcalfe?

Nov 2, 2018 / Adam Eichen

Cuomo extends his

Breaking the Boundaries of 2-Party Politics in New York Breaking the Boundaries of 2-Party Politics in New York

New Yorkers have the option of casting progressive votes for Working Families Party and Green candidates.

Nov 1, 2018 / John Nichols

Vote Sticker

Letting Noncitizens Vote in the Trump Era Letting Noncitizens Vote in the Trump Era

Undocumented immigrants could cast ballots for most of American history—now a few cities want to renew that tradition.

Nov 1, 2018 / Rachel M. Cohen

Danica Roem Canvass

Join the Critical Last Push Before the Midterms Join the Critical Last Push Before the Midterms

Help elect progressives by pledging to vote, joining phone-banking teams, or door knocking in person this week.

Oct 31, 2018 / NationAction

JImmy Carter and Stacey Abrams

Jimmy Carter Just Made a Vital Intervention on Behalf of Democracy Jimmy Carter Just Made a Vital Intervention on Behalf of Democracy

The Carter standard—which asks partisan secretaries of state to step aside from oversight of elections in which they are candidates—should apply in Georgia and every other state.

Oct 29, 2018 / John Nichols
