State and Local Elections

Scott Walker Spiderman backpack

It’s Getting Lonely on Scott Walker’s Sinking Ship It’s Getting Lonely on Scott Walker’s Sinking Ship

The onetime Republican golden boy has never recovered from his failed presidential run.

Oct 23, 2018 / John Nichols

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Voters Must Catch On to Republicans’ Con on Health Care Voters Must Catch On to Republicans’ Con on Health Care

The GOP’s duck-and-cover effort impedes a debate we need to have on providing universal coverage and increasing Social Security.

Oct 23, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

JD Scholten Winnebago

J.D. Scholten Bets the Farm on Beating Steve King J.D. Scholten Bets the Farm on Beating Steve King

Just weeks from the midterms, an Iowa hometown hero is gaining ground on one of Congress’s most toxic incumbents.

Oct 22, 2018 / Rebecca Zweig

A Taxing Day at the Polls

A Taxing Day at the Polls A Taxing Day at the Polls

ignore this…

Oct 18, 2018 / Jen Sorensen

Can a Group of Scrappy Young Activists Build Real Progressive Power in Trump Country?

Can a Group of Scrappy Young Activists Build Real Progressive Power in Trump Country? Can a Group of Scrappy Young Activists Build Real Progressive Power in Trump Country?

Through a mix of “inclusive populism” and nonstop organizing, Lancaster Stands Up is betting it can reclaim its corner of Pennsylvania.

Oct 18, 2018 / Feature / Jimmy Tobias

Stacey Abrams Always Knew They’d Try to Cheat

Stacey Abrams Always Knew They’d Try to Cheat Stacey Abrams Always Knew They’d Try to Cheat

But here’s her plan to win anyway.

Oct 18, 2018 / Feature / Joan Walsh

Andrew Gillum Campaigns in Tallahassee

Progressives, Keep an Eye on These 10 Races Progressives, Keep an Eye on These 10 Races

From Andrew Gillum in Florida to marijuana legalization in North Dakota, wins in these elections would be game changers.

Oct 18, 2018 / The Nation

Heidi Heitkamp roundtable

Will North Dakota’s Discriminatory Voter-ID Law Cost Democrats the Senate? Will North Dakota’s Discriminatory Voter-ID Law Cost Democrats the Senate?

The Supreme Court has allowed the state to erect unreasonable barriers to voting by Native Americans.

Oct 15, 2018 / John Nichols

Feinstein Behind a Door

Is Senator Dianne Feinstein Really Vulnerable This Fall? Is Senator Dianne Feinstein Really Vulnerable This Fall?

She’s the establishment favorite, but as Democratic challenger Kevin de León notes, “Americans are tired of the same old, same old.”

Oct 12, 2018 / Sasha Abramsky

Election 2018 Nevada Voters

Meet the Cooks and Casino Workers Leaving Their Jobs to Campaign Against Trump Meet the Cooks and Casino Workers Leaving Their Jobs to Campaign Against Trump

In Nevada and elsewhere, stakes are high for the canvassers hoping to swing the Senate.

Oct 11, 2018 / Rebecca Gordon
