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Letters From the April 3, 2017, Issue Letters From the April 3, 2017, Issue

A note on words and images… New Jersey state of mind… The Dreyfusses reply… Birthing equality…

Mar 16, 2017 / Our Readers and Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

not my president

Blue-State Secession Is Dumb and Cruel Blue-State Secession Is Dumb and Cruel

All States Matter. 

Mar 13, 2017 / Paul Blest

Federal Court Rules Texas Gerrymandering Unconstitutional

Federal Court Rules Texas Gerrymandering Unconstitutional Federal Court Rules Texas Gerrymandering Unconstitutional

The court found that Republicans drew discriminatory district lines. That's very bad news for Paul Ryan.

Mar 11, 2017 / John Nichols

The GOP’s Health-Care Plan Could Strip Addiction and Mental-Health Coverage From 1.3 Million

The GOP’s Health-Care Plan Could Strip Addiction and Mental-Health Coverage From 1.3 Million The GOP’s Health-Care Plan Could Strip Addiction and Mental-Health Coverage From 1.3 Million

Republicans aren’t just gunning for Obamacare—they’re trying to radically alter Medicaid.

Mar 10, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter

sad girl ACA

The Fight to Save the Affordable Care Act Is Really a Class Battle The Fight to Save the Affordable Care Act Is Really a Class Battle

Starting to mitigate America’s yawning class divide is exactly what the ACA did. And that’s exactly what the Republican plan would undo.

Mar 9, 2017 / Feature / Angela Bonavoglia

How Donald Trump Speaks to Ohio’s Autoworkers

How Donald Trump Speaks to Ohio’s Autoworkers How Donald Trump Speaks to Ohio’s Autoworkers

Where coastal elites see a buffoon, many here see a man of action.

Mar 8, 2017 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

Bill Cassidy

Another Republican Lawmaker Just Faced Hundreds of Angry Constituents Another Republican Lawmaker Just Faced Hundreds of Angry Constituents

Senator Bill Cassidy endured jeers, boos, and tough questions during town halls in Louisiana this week.

Feb 24, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter

Ed Garvey Progressive Populist

Ed Garvey Was the Progressive Populist Who Inspired Bernie Sanders and Paul Wellstone Ed Garvey Was the Progressive Populist Who Inspired Bernie Sanders and Paul Wellstone

Sanders hails the civil-rights activist, union leader, progressive candidate, and crusader as a hero who forged a new politics.

Feb 23, 2017 / John Nichols

Immigrant New York sign at JFK

New York Courts Are Failing Non-English Speakers New York Courts Are Failing Non-English Speakers

Nearly three-fourths of surveyed legal-aid attorneys reported some of their cases had been adjourned due to lack of language services.

Feb 16, 2017 / Michelle Chen

“Historic Thousands on Jones Street

Over 80,000 People Joined the Biggest-Ever Moral March in North Carolina Over 80,000 People Joined the Biggest-Ever Moral March in North Carolina

Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II compares the rising tide of protest to what Dr. King called a “marvelous new militancy” in the 1960s.

Feb 13, 2017 / Paul Blest
