The Devil Inside The Devil Inside
Falsehoods, fudges and outright lies have defined Ralph Reed's career. Tarnished by the Abramoff scandal, he's betting his political future on the tendency of the religious right t...
The Better Choice in Ohio The Better Choice in Ohio
Sherrod Brown is the right candidate to be the Democratic Senate nominee in Ohio because he has the support of grassroots voters whose energy is essential to win.
Feb 23, 2006 / John Nichols
Democratic Alarms in PA Democratic Alarms in PA
Robert Casey Jr.'s endorsement of Samuel Alito could cost him the support of Pennsylvania Democrats and illustrates the perils of early intervention by DC Democrats in Senate races...
Feb 9, 2006 / John Nichols
Reversing ‘Right to Work’ Reversing ‘Right to Work’
Labor activists in Idaho hope to repeal repressive "Right To Work" laws and educate a new generation on the history of labor struggles.
Feb 8, 2006 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Georgia’s King Tribute Rings Hollow Georgia’s King Tribute Rings Hollow
Abolishing the death penalty was one of Coretta Scott King's signature issues. The irony is that Georgia remains one of the leading practitioners of the death penalty.
Feb 7, 2006 / Feature / Patrick Mulvaney
Jack Gordon Jack Gordon
Jack Gordon, "the unabashedly liberal conscience of Florida's State Senate," was chosen majority leader at a time when his politics should have made him an anathema. His fight agai...
Jan 5, 2006 / Molly Ivins
Mismanaged Care Mismanaged Care
Tennessee once had a visionary health care plan for that left only 14 percent of residents uninsured. But with federal cuts and a governor's misguided attempt to privatize Medicaid...
Nov 22, 2005 / Feature / Trudy Lieberman
Arnold Show: Canceled Arnold Show: Canceled
Buoyed by their defeat of Schwarzeneggar's "referendum revolution," Democrats and organized labor are now energized to defeat the governor's re-election bid next year.
Nov 10, 2005 / Marc Cooper
Darwin on Trial Darwin on Trial
As the site of a trial on including intelligent design in biology textbooks, Dover, Pennsylvania, is a focal point of a national debate on science and religion. But a look at the t...
Nov 10, 2005 / Feature / Eyal Press
Bringing Down the Bully Bringing Down the Bully
The lesson of the defeat in California of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's referendum revolution is this: The American people will not forever be fooled. The negative message of the Re...
Nov 10, 2005 / Feature / Robert Scheer