
Slide Show: The Most Important Referendums on This Month’s Ballots—From Mississippi to Ohio and Beyond

Slide Show: The Most Important Referendums on This Month’s Ballots—From Mississippi to Ohio and Beyond Slide Show: The Most Important Referendums on This Month’s Ballots—From Mississippi to Ohio and Beyond

Nov 4, 2011 / The Nation

Melissa Harris-Perry: Mississippi’s Attempt to Limit Women’s Reproductive Rights Melissa Harris-Perry: Mississippi’s Attempt to Limit Women’s Reproductive Rights

A Constitutional amendment is on the November 8 ballot in Mississippi which wants to amend the Bill of Rights to declare a fertilized human egg as a legal person.

Oct 27, 2011 / Press Room

Karl Rove’s 2011 Election Priority: Busting Public-Sector Unions in Ohio Karl Rove’s 2011 Election Priority: Busting Public-Sector Unions in Ohio

The former White House political czar, who pulls so many Republican and conservative strings, is all over the fight to defend Ohio Governor John Kasich’s anti-union law....

Oct 25, 2011 / John Nichols

How Liz Cheney Is Funding the War on Labor Rights in Ohio How Liz Cheney Is Funding the War on Labor Rights in Ohio

The former vice president's daughter leads a group that is pouring money into Ohio, hoping to prevent voters from overturning Governor John Kasich’s anti-labor legislation.

Oct 18, 2011 / John Nichols

Major Unions Endorse Wisconsin Recall Drive as a 99 Percent Solution Major Unions Endorse Wisconsin Recall Drive as a 99 Percent Solution

Anti-labor governor could be the first prominent politician displaced by a new anticorporate movement.

Oct 12, 2011 / John Nichols

Wisconsin Drive to Recall Walker Starts November 15 Wisconsin Drive to Recall Walker Starts November 15

Activists say they will begin the process of booting anti-labor Republican Scott Walker. But the governor and his allies are putting pressure on the board that oversees elections.

Oct 11, 2011 / John Nichols

What Rick Perry Would Do to Medicaid What Rick Perry Would Do to Medicaid

As governor of Texas and a candidate for president, Perry has proposed to turn Medicaid into a block grant program. That would be devastating for people with disabilities. 

Sep 26, 2011 / Ben Adler

The Future of No Child Left Behind

The Future of No Child Left Behind The Future of No Child Left Behind

President Obama is moving forward to reform NCLB unilaterally, but the House GOP has its own plan.

Sep 23, 2011 / Dana Goldstein

FBI Raid’s Target Was Point Person for Scott Walker’s Anti-Labor Program FBI Raid’s Target Was Point Person for Scott Walker’s Anti-Labor Program

Cynthia Archer, a longtime Walker aide and now target of an FBI investigation, played a central role in advancing his controversial budget-repair bill.

Sep 20, 2011 / John Nichols

Wisconsin Governor Walker Stonewalls as FBI Raids Home of Top Political Aide Wisconsin Governor Walker Stonewalls as FBI Raids Home of Top Political Aide

A burgeoning “John Doe” probe targets anti-labor governor's political appointees.

Sep 19, 2011 / John Nichols
