
Wisconsin Recall Replaces Two Republican Senators

Wisconsin Recall Replaces Two Republican Senators Wisconsin Recall Replaces Two Republican Senators

“Six months ago no one would have ever expected we would be where we are tonight. The people of Wisconsin have made history,” says Wisconsin Senate Democratic leader&n...

Aug 10, 2011 / John Nichols

This Is What Democracy Looks Like: A Wisconsin Recall Primer

This Is What Democracy Looks Like: A Wisconsin Recall Primer This Is What Democracy Looks Like: A Wisconsin Recall Primer

Hundreds of thousands will vote today in recall elections to remove six Republican state senators who sided with Governor Scott Walker's anti-labor, anti-education, anti&ndash...

Aug 9, 2011 / John Nichols

Right-Wing Billionaires Invest in Wisconsin’s Recall Elections Right-Wing Billionaires Invest in Wisconsin’s Recall Elections

As part of a push to privatize schools, rich conservatives are pouring a fortune into a campaign to defend Republicans who support school choice schemes.

Aug 8, 2011 / John Nichols

Why Moderate Republican Donors are Drawn to Chris Christie Why Moderate Republican Donors are Drawn to Chris Christie

Chris Christie is not a moderate, but some donors seem to think he is the only candidate who could unite the mainstream and Tea Party wings of the GOP.

Jul 22, 2011 / Ben Adler

As Wisconsin’s Anti-Labor GOP Governor Tanks in the Polls, Democrats Win First Recall Race As Wisconsin’s Anti-Labor GOP Governor Tanks in the Polls, Democrats Win First Recall Race

The first Democrat versus Republican recall election produces a big win for the Democrat. With his poll numbers in collapse, Governor Scott Walker's “charm offensive.”

Jul 20, 2011 / John Nichols

With ALEC Exposed, Common Cause Demands an IRS Audit of Corporate-Funded Group’s Gaming of State Lawmaking With ALEC Exposed, Common Cause Demands an IRS Audit of Corporate-Funded Group’s Gaming of State Lawmaking

Revelations about American Legislative Exchange Council project to link corporate interests with state legislators to impose an agenda that protects polluters, privatizes public ed...

Jul 15, 2011 / John Nichols

Celebrating Woody Guthrie’s Birthday With Arlo and the Radical Version of ‘This Land…’ Celebrating Woody Guthrie’s Birthday With Arlo and the Radical Version of ‘This Land…’

In Wisconsin, union activists are joining Arlo Guthrie to sing the full version of "This Land Is Your Land" -- including the class-conscious, economic-justice lines.

Jul 14, 2011 / John Nichols

John Nichols: A Victory for Wisconsin’s Real Democrats John Nichols: A Victory for Wisconsin’s Real Democrats

Despite the Republican strategy to recruit fake democrats to run in Wisconsin's primary elections, real Democrats won 70 percent of the vote.

Jul 13, 2011 / Press Room

Real Democrats Beat GOP Fakes in All Six Wisconsin Recall Primaries Real Democrats Beat GOP Fakes in All Six Wisconsin Recall Primaries

Republicans even recruited fake Democrats to run in Tuesday's primaries. But voters chose the real Democrats by overwhelming margins.

Jul 13, 2011 / John Nichols

Democracy in Wisconsin: With GOP Campaigning for Fake Democrats, Here Are 4 Scenarios for Today’s Recall Election Primaries Democracy in Wisconsin: With GOP Campaigning for Fake Democrats, Here Are 4 Scenarios for Today’s Recall Election Primaries

The primary voting to choose challengers to six targeted Republican senators is just the start of the process of holding anti-labor Republican Governor Scott Wa...

Jul 12, 2011 / John Nichols
