
No Checks, No Balances: Wisconsin Court Upholds Anti-Union Bill

No Checks, No Balances: Wisconsin Court Upholds Anti-Union Bill No Checks, No Balances: Wisconsin Court Upholds Anti-Union Bill

In a 4-3 party line decision, the state Supreme Court sided with Governor Walker, clearing the way for massive cuts to collective bargaining rights.

Jun 15, 2011 / John Nichols

The Fight in Fitzwalkerstan: Will Legislators Stand With Walker or Wisconsin? The Fight in Fitzwalkerstan: Will Legislators Stand With Walker or Wisconsin?

Governor Scott Walker and his allies are renewing their assault on collective bargaining—with plans to insert anti-labor language in the state budget. Will responsible Republ...

Jun 14, 2011 / John Nichols

Wisconsin GOP Batters Democracy With Sleazy ‘Fake Candidate’ Strategy Wisconsin GOP Batters Democracy With Sleazy ‘Fake Candidate’ Strategy

A plan to run “fake” candidates in districts where Democrats are challenging state senators allied with Governor Scott Walker has stirred a statewide outcry.

Jun 11, 2011 / John Nichols

Fraud in Fitzwalkerstan: A Legislator is Lying Fraud in Fitzwalkerstan: A Legislator is Lying

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's allies are pointing fingers of blame at one another as a scheme to run fraudulent candidates comes to light.

Jun 9, 2011 / John Nichols

In Oregon, a Grassroots Campaign for a State Bank In Oregon, a Grassroots Campaign for a State Bank

Legislation proposing a publicly owned state bank, the underpinning of a truly local economy, stands a good chance of passing in this session.

Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Barbara Dudley

Russ Feingold’s March With Workers Stirs Talk of a Political Comeback Russ Feingold’s March With Workers Stirs Talk of a Political Comeback

The former senator's renewed public profile has progressives talking about an open Senate seat or a recall election against Governor Walker.

Jun 7, 2011 / John Nichols

Wisconsin Protests Ramp Up With Approach of Budget Showdown, Recall Elections

Wisconsin Protests Ramp Up With Approach of Budget Showdown, Recall Elections Wisconsin Protests Ramp Up With Approach of Budget Showdown, Recall Elections

Governor Scott Walker fancied himself a new Ronald Reagan. Now he's looking like the next Herbert Hoover, as thousands are returning to the streets to block his budget and remove h...

Jun 6, 2011 / John Nichols

A Jeffersonian Challenge to the Tories of Fitzwalkerstan A Jeffersonian Challenge to the Tories of Fitzwalkerstan

Activists challenging Walker administration assaults on public education and on college students from immigrant families disrupt Wisconsin legislative hearing with a reading from t...

Jun 3, 2011 / John Nichols

Record Number of Wisconsin Legislators Face Recall Over Anti-Union Bill Record Number of Wisconsin Legislators Face Recall Over Anti-Union Bill

Unlike grassroots efforts to recall Republican state senators over their support for Governor Walker's anti-labor bill, efforts by Republicans to recall Democratic state senators m...

Jun 1, 2011 / Press Room

Arizona Turns the Tide: Voters Demand the Recall of Russell Pearce Arizona Turns the Tide: Voters Demand the Recall of Russell Pearce

Arizona's notorious anti-immigrant crusader is about to become the first State Senate president in US history to be recalled.

Jun 1, 2011 / Jeff Biggers
