
State Judges for Sale State Judges for Sale

In the 39 states that elect appellate judges, politicization of the bench is growing.

Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Michael Scherer

California Green Light California Green Light

Who says the good guys never win? California's new global warming law is a bona fide big deal. Signed into law by Governor Gray Davis on July 22, the global warming bill requires ...

Aug 1, 2002 / Mark Hertsgaard

Aboard Reich’s Reform Express Aboard Reich’s Reform Express

The former Labor Secretary is a top gubernatorial contender in Massachusetts.

Aug 1, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols

E(D)R For Ailing Turnout E(D)R For Ailing Turnout

After two decades of visiting political nightmares on the state--from the infamous Prop 13 to the immigrant-bashing Prop 187--California's notorious initiative and referendum syst...

Aug 1, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper

California’s Gray Politics California’s Gray Politics

Governer Davis may win re-election only because the GOP's Simon is such a loser.

Aug 1, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Old Guard vs. New in Michigan Old Guard vs. New in Michigan

John Dingell and Lynn Rivers are locked in a battle caused by redistricting.

Jul 18, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols

Karl Rove’s Legal Tricks Karl Rove’s Legal Tricks

Packing the judiciary with right-wingers like Priscilla Owen.

Jul 3, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols

Red Over Green Party Moves Red Over Green Party Moves

Minnesota can be considered a veritable mecca for insurgent third parties. Its governor is maverick independent Jesse Ventura.

Jun 7, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper

The Future Wellstone Deserves The Future Wellstone Deserves

Greens running against Democrats, and maybe giving Republicans the edge? Anyone who thinks we'll have to wait till the Bush-Gore rematch in 2004 to get into that can of worms h...

May 30, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

No Justice in Florida No Justice in Florida

When Donna Brazile learned in late May that the Justice Department might sue three Florida counties over voting rights violations that disfranchised minority citizens in the 2000 ...

May 30, 2002 / The Editors
