
Melting Excuses

Melting Excuses Melting Excuses

Trump tries to drag democracy down the drain.

Nov 17, 2020 / OppArt / Ann Telnaes

Stockton, CA

Starting From Stockton Starting From Stockton

What this small California city can teach America about basic income.

Nov 17, 2020 / David Kirp

Ernie Chambers extends his hands while speaking in front of a microphone

Nebraska’s Last Blue Electoral Vote? Nebraska’s Last Blue Electoral Vote?

Omaha gave Biden an electoral vote. The GOP wants to make sure that never happens again.

Nov 16, 2020 / Ross Benes

Eviction Notice

Eviction Notice Eviction Notice

Trump: squatter in chief.

Nov 16, 2020 / OppArt / Tjeerd Royaards

People dance in the street after Joe Biden wins the 2020 election.

The Politics of Joy The Politics of Joy

Just because last weekend’s surge of solidarity and celebration can’t last doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.

Nov 14, 2020 / D.D. Guttenplan

Donald Trump Has Suffered a Defeat of Historic Proportions

Donald Trump Has Suffered a Defeat of Historic Proportions Donald Trump Has Suffered a Defeat of Historic Proportions

The president may deny reality, but he cannot change the fact that he is now losing the popular vote and the Electoral College by momentous margins.

Nov 12, 2020 / John Nichols

John Kasich Contributed Nothing to Biden’s Election, So Why Should Democrats Listen to His Claptrap?

John Kasich Contributed Nothing to Biden’s Election, So Why Should Democrats Listen to His Claptrap? John Kasich Contributed Nothing to Biden’s Election, So Why Should Democrats Listen to His Claptrap?

Kasich claims the left harmed Democrats. Wrong. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and movements boosted turnout and helped swing key states.

Nov 9, 2020 / John Nichols

Portland Reelected ‘Tear Gas Ted’—but Still Wants Police Reform

Portland Reelected ‘Tear Gas Ted’—but Still Wants Police Reform Portland Reelected ‘Tear Gas Ted’—but Still Wants Police Reform

Portland’s protest movement couldn’t oust Mayor Ted Wheeler, but the city overwhelmingly voted to create a new police oversight board.

Nov 6, 2020 / Zoë Carpenter

Biden Is Piling Up a Popular-Vote Mandate for Ending Trumpism

Biden Is Piling Up a Popular-Vote Mandate for Ending Trumpism Biden Is Piling Up a Popular-Vote Mandate for Ending Trumpism

Even if an obsessive focus on the antidemocratic Electoral College obscures the public’s rejection of Trump, the popular vote has in fact rebuked the president.

Nov 4, 2020 / John Nichols

‘It’s Just a Slaughter’: Montana Goes From Purple to Deep Red

‘It’s Just a Slaughter’: Montana Goes From Purple to Deep Red ‘It’s Just a Slaughter’: Montana Goes From Purple to Deep Red

The GOP claimed victory on every statewide down-ballot race.

Nov 4, 2020 / Gwen Florio
