The Democrats Are Bungling Voting Rights—but Not in the Way You Think The Democrats Are Bungling Voting Rights—but Not in the Way You Think
The John Lewis Voting Rights Act is a valuable piece of legislation. So is the For the People Act. Both are destined to fail in front of the Supreme Court.
Jul 21, 2021 / Elie Mystal

Bigots Have Finally Accomplished Their Goal of Gutting the Voting Rights Act Bigots Have Finally Accomplished Their Goal of Gutting the Voting Rights Act
The Supreme Court’s decision upholding voter restrictions in Arizona paves the way for widespread disenfranchisement of voters of color.
Jul 2, 2021 / Elie Mystal

The Real Target in the Supreme Court’s ‘Cedar Point’ Decision The Real Target in the Supreme Court’s ‘Cedar Point’ Decision
The court and the press talked about “property rights.” But the real impact will be on organizing, and workers’ rights.
Jul 2, 2021 / David Bacon

Medicaid Work Requirements Appear to Be Dead Medicaid Work Requirements Appear to Be Dead
The Biden administration is not letting them go into effect while it has a say.
Jul 1, 2021 / Bryce Covert

Mike Gravel Told Americans What Was Being Done in Their Name but Without Their Consent Mike Gravel Told Americans What Was Being Done in Their Name but Without Their Consent
Fifty years ago this week, the senator read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record. He never stopped battling war and secrecy. Gravel died on Saturday.
Jun 28, 2021 / Obituary / John Nichols

Yesterday’s Union-Busting Supreme Court Decision Was a Segregationist Throwback Yesterday’s Union-Busting Supreme Court Decision Was a Segregationist Throwback
The court’s decision in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid will reverberate throughout the labor movement and far beyond.
Jun 24, 2021 / Elie Mystal for The Nation

Dark Money, the Supreme Court, and the Fate of LGBTQ+ Rights Dark Money, the Supreme Court, and the Fate of LGBTQ+ Rights
The NAACP, the ACLU, and the Human Rights Campaign—the country’s largest LGBTQ+ political organization—have all joined forces with the Koch network–funded Americans for Prosperity ...
Jun 21, 2021 / Joanna Wuest and Briana Last

How the Supreme Court Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Religious Bigotry How the Supreme Court Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Religious Bigotry
The Supreme Court’s decision last week allowing a Catholic foster care agency to discriminate against LGBTQ couples was narrow—but awful.
Jun 21, 2021 / Elie Mystal

Republicans Tried to Kill the ACA—Instead It Got Stronger Republicans Tried to Kill the ACA—Instead It Got Stronger
While not a complete victory, the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act places it on its firmest legal ground yet.
Jun 18, 2021 / Elie Mystal

It’s 2021. Why Are Only Men Required to Register for the Draft? It’s 2021. Why Are Only Men Required to Register for the Draft?
Register women too! Or better yet, replace the military draft with national service open to all.
Jun 17, 2021 / Ria Tabacco Mar