About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes… About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes…
A joke? Who was it that said the use of jokes “points the way to their future uses”? It’s Götterdämmerung time.
Feb 3, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Everything Donald Trump Did in His Second Week as President Everything Donald Trump Did in His Second Week as President
A botched military raid in Yemen, a two-for-one regulatory gimmick, and the appointment of a new deputy director at the CIA who oversaw torture.
Feb 3, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter and George Zornick

To Avert Disaster, the Senate Must Reject Neil Gorsuch To Avert Disaster, the Senate Must Reject Neil Gorsuch
President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court is a radical choice at a pivotal moment.
Feb 2, 2017 / Nan Aron

How Far Outside the Legal Mainstream Is Neil Gorsuch? How Far Outside the Legal Mainstream Is Neil Gorsuch?
David Cole on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Zoë Carpenter on Trump’s actions, and John Nichols on a victory against gerrymandering.
Feb 2, 2017 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Flood Your Senators With Calls Demanding They Block Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Flood Your Senators With Calls Demanding They Block Trump’s Supreme Court Pick
Democrats can and should fight this nomination.
Feb 1, 2017 / NationAction

Senate Democrats Can Block Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Senate Democrats Can Block Trump’s Supreme Court Pick
If Democrats can hold onto 41 of their 48 votes, they can postpone a final floor vote indefinitely.
Feb 1, 2017 / William Yeomans

Republicans Stole a Supreme Court Seat From Obama—and Are Putting Another Scalia In It Republicans Stole a Supreme Court Seat From Obama—and Are Putting Another Scalia In It
Neil Gorsuch will help Trump wage war on voting rights.
Jan 31, 2017 / Ari Berman

Has America Ever Elected a ‘Legitimate’ President? Has America Ever Elected a ‘Legitimate’ President?
Given how hard it is to vote, and how actively some states discourage voting, America elects legal presidents—but not legitimate ones.
Jan 21, 2017 / Rev. Jesse L. Jackson

Reproductive Rights Are More Popular Than Ever, but Anti-Choice Lawmakers Are About to Take Power Reproductive Rights Are More Popular Than Ever, but Anti-Choice Lawmakers Are About to Take Power
Just as the pro-choice movement is getting proactive, Washington will get even more hostile.
Jan 19, 2017 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Holman Rule Once Allowed Congress to Purge Leftists From Government Agencies—Now It’s Back The Holman Rule Once Allowed Congress to Purge Leftists From Government Agencies—Now It’s Back
The effects could be far-reaching.
Jan 19, 2017 / Column / Patricia J. Williams