Obamacare’s Latest Test: Partisan Hackery Obamacare’s Latest Test: Partisan Hackery
If only there was some way to know what the authors of the Affordable Care Act really intended.
Mar 10, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

The Sham Lawsuit That Could Eviscerate Obamacare The Sham Lawsuit That Could Eviscerate Obamacare
The lack of structural integrity in the case before the Supreme Court, along with its bleak implications, has become even more obvious in the past week.
Feb 5, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

How the Roberts Supreme Court Has Strengthened the Powerful and Screwed Everyone Else How the Roberts Supreme Court Has Strengthened the Powerful and Screwed Everyone Else
From criminal justice to workers’ and voting rights to campaign finance, it has defied customs that buttress the Court’s legitimacy.
Jan 28, 2015 / Nan Aron, William Yeomans, and Michelle D. Schwartz

The Twilight of the Gay-Marriage Movement The Twilight of the Gay-Marriage Movement
By this time next year, marriage equality will be the law of the land.
Jan 17, 2015 / Gabriel Arana

Antonin Scalia: Torture’s Not Torture Unless He Says It Is Antonin Scalia: Torture’s Not Torture Unless He Says It Is
The Supreme Court justice might need to brush up on his Eighth Amendment.
Jan 5, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Should You Lose Your Job Just Because You’re Pregnant? Should You Lose Your Job Just Because You’re Pregnant?
Does the Pregnancy Discrimination Act actually prevent employers from firing their workers for being pregnant? The Supreme Court will soon decide.
Dec 10, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Will the Supreme Court Help Mitch McConnell Destroy Obamacare? Will the Supreme Court Help Mitch McConnell Destroy Obamacare?
Congress will not have the power to overturn the Affordable Care Act, so Republicans are hoping the Supreme Court’s right-wingers will do the dirty work for them.
Dec 8, 2014 / William Greider

Should We Impeach Chief Justice John Roberts? Should We Impeach Chief Justice John Roberts?
The Roberts Court's announcement that it will hear another legal challenge that threatens to disable and perhaps destroy the new healthcare system has the distinct odor of politica...
Nov 19, 2014 / William Greider

Will the Supreme Court Destroy the Affordable Care Act? Will the Supreme Court Destroy the Affordable Care Act?
The US Supreme Court is preparing to hear another case that could render key parts of the ACA illegal.
Nov 12, 2014 / Melissa Harris-Perry

Supreme Court Case Shows How Amazon Legally Cheats Workers Supreme Court Case Shows How Amazon Legally Cheats Workers
Amazon’s relentless cost-cutting hits workers hardest.
Oct 10, 2014 / Michelle Chen