When Planting Trees Hurts the Environment When Planting Trees Hurts the Environment
In Paris this week, policy-makers are considering an ambitious new plan to cover 50 million acres of South American land with trees. That might not be a good idea.
Dec 9, 2015 / Eilís O’Neill

Once Again, California Leads the Way Once Again, California Leads the Way
Governor Jerry Brown leads in tackling catastrophic climate change.
Dec 8, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Naomi Klein: Breaking the Back of Our Carbon Economy Naomi Klein: Breaking the Back of Our Carbon Economy
What should an economy that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels actually look like?
Dec 3, 2015 / Naomi Klein

WANTED: Political Power for Climate Justice WANTED: Political Power for Climate Justice
Movement leaders identify their goals as political, but they don’t see the movement as having the political power to achieve those goals.
Nov 16, 2015 / StudentNation / Chloe Maxmin

The Future of Climate Change Is Widespread Civil War The Future of Climate Change Is Widespread Civil War
Failure to cap carbon emissions will not only bring on climate shocks, but also worldwide instability, insurrection, and warfare.
Nov 3, 2015 / Michael T. Klare

What’s It Like Growing Old in the New Economy? What’s It Like Growing Old in the New Economy?
Danish architect Deane Simpson explores this vexing question in his book Young-Old: Urban Utopias of an Aging Society.
Oct 27, 2015 / Matthew Shen Goodman

What Will It Take To Force a Real Conversation About Climate Change? What Will It Take To Force a Real Conversation About Climate Change?
Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis, and Wen Stephenson discuss the truly transformative change that our climate crisis requires.
Oct 26, 2015 / Wen Stephenson, Naomi Klein, and Avi Lewis

Are Disaster Movies Predicting Our Future? Are Disaster Movies Predicting Our Future?
The latest IPCC report suggests that sudden climate catastrophes with irreversible consequences may not be as improbable as we once thought.
Oct 8, 2015 / Michael T. Klare

Can Community Land Trusts Solve Baltimore’s Homelessness Problem? Can Community Land Trusts Solve Baltimore’s Homelessness Problem?
Vast numbers of Baltimore’s buildings are uninhabited. Could a new model of ownership put them in the hands of communities?
Oct 2, 2015 / Michelle Chen

You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert
Global Citizen’s celebrity-packed festival aims to mobilize millennials against poverty. That’s pointless if it strips politics from the fight.
Sep 24, 2015 / Benjamin Cohen and Elliot Ross