Can Consumer Campaigns Actually Improve Tech-Sector Labor Practices? Can Consumer Campaigns Actually Improve Tech-Sector Labor Practices?
The Electronics Watch coalition has a plan: harness consumer power to hold tech giants accountable.
Oct 22, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Is ‘Big Data’ Actually Reinforcing Social Inequalities? Is ‘Big Data’ Actually Reinforcing Social Inequalities?
An increasingly technologized world makes life easier… for some people, anyway.
Sep 29, 2014 / Michelle Chen

With the Wages That Have Been Stolen From Them, Apple Factory Workers Could Buy 1,460 iPhone 6s a Month With the Wages That Have Been Stolen From Them, Apple Factory Workers Could Buy 1,460 iPhone 6s a Month
While the tech world fawns over the new iPhone 6, labor abuses abound at an Apple factory in China.
Sep 10, 2014 / Michelle Chen

No, Millennials Are Not All Libertarians No, Millennials Are Not All Libertarians
Young Americans’ fondness for high-tech innovation could suit our need to shake up the political system.
Jul 23, 2014 / Alex Holt

The Very Naughty Whistleblower The Very Naughty Whistleblower
Pundits and politicians agree: Edward Snowden did something naughty. But what do the people think?
Jul 15, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

Peak Oil Is Dead. Long Live Peak Oil! Peak Oil Is Dead. Long Live Peak Oil!
The eulogies for peak oil came too soon.
Jan 9, 2014 / Michael T. Klare

Nuclear Hubris: Could Japan’s Disaster Happen Here? Nuclear Hubris: Could Japan’s Disaster Happen Here?
The US has twenty-three reactors of the same design as the Fukushima No. 1 reactor that is now in partial meltdown, and our federal regulators are captives of the nuclear industry.
Mar 14, 2011 / Christian Parenti

The Big Green Buy The Big Green Buy
How Obama can use the government's purchasing power to spark the clean-energy revolution.
Jul 15, 2010 / Feature / Christian Parenti
Robot Rock Robot Rock
Video may have killed the radio star, but the vocoder liberates her voice.
Jun 9, 2010 / Books & the Arts / J. Gabriel Boylan
Gaming Your Brain For Violence Gaming Your Brain For Violence
What effect does training soldiers to "dehumanize" the enemy have on us? And are video games giving us in some part the same training?
Apr 9, 2010 / Laura Flanders