
Minority Opinions on the iPad Minority Opinions on the iPad

The iPad -- It's very strange. It started arriving in stores April 1 and the reviewers are already calling it a game changer but one aspect of the new device is causing conster...

Apr 1, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Searching for CCS Searching for CCS

Will carbon capture and sequestration help us avoid runaway climate change?

Nov 19, 2009 / Feature / Holly Wren Spaulding

Invest in Innovation Invest in Innovation

The US economy rewarded the finance industry at the expense of our most creative problem-solvers. We need an innovation revival to grow our way back to health.

Oct 30, 2008 / Feature / James S. Henry and Jim Manzi

Facebook’s About-Face on Privacy Facebook’s About-Face on Privacy


Dec 6, 2007 / The Nation

Networked Networked

Think you've read everything about Myspace? Think again. Social network expert danah boyd breaks it down.

Jan 24, 2007 / Kate Sheppard

The Gift of Time The Gift of Time

The case for abolition of nuclear weapons.

Feb 2, 1998 / Jonathan Schell

Earth rising on the lunar horizon

The Moon Will Wait The Moon Will Wait

In early 1969, Nation editors were skeptical about the space race, and NASA’s “juvenile, brutal approach” in rushing to get a man on the moon.

Jan 13, 1969 / The Nation

The Transatlantic Telegraph Will Concentrate Money and Power in the Hands of the Few

The Transatlantic Telegraph Will Concentrate Money and Power in the Hands of the Few The Transatlantic Telegraph Will Concentrate Money and Power in the Hands of the Few

“Where it is all going to end, and what kind of life the ‘merchant of the future’ will lead, nobody knows.”

Sep 27, 1866 / Richard Kreitner
