
The Resistance of Kathy Griffin

The Resistance of Kathy Griffin The Resistance of Kathy Griffin

“I was the test case. I want to make sure that they can never do to anyone what they did to me, not on my watch.”

Nov 29, 2019 / Danny Goldberg

‘Superstore’ Is the Only Sitcom That Gets Progressive Politics

‘Superstore’ Is the Only Sitcom That Gets Progressive Politics ‘Superstore’ Is the Only Sitcom That Gets Progressive Politics

The NBC comedy openly confronts issues of unionization, health care, and immigration. 

Oct 31, 2019 / Vikram Murthi

A Letter to Marlon Brando About Putting an Indian on the Oscar Stage

A Letter to Marlon Brando About Putting an Indian on the Oscar Stage A Letter to Marlon Brando About Putting an Indian on the Oscar Stage

A character from Tommy Orange’s There There writes to the actor about what it meant to see Sacheen Littlefeather at the Academy Awards.

Oct 28, 2019 / Tommy Orange

In ‘Succession,’ Who Is the Joke Really On?

In ‘Succession,’ Who Is the Joke Really On? In ‘Succession,’ Who Is the Joke Really On?

The show is heralded as a nuanced and cutting critique of the 1 percent. But whose side is it really on?

Oct 17, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Erin Schwartz

The Absurdist Imaginings of ‘Los Espookys’

The Absurdist Imaginings of ‘Los Espookys’ The Absurdist Imaginings of ‘Los Espookys’

An irreverent Spanish-speaking show was a step forward for HBO, but its first season fell short of pushing the boundaries of Latinx representation.

Oct 15, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Julyssa Lopez

With a Confusing Musical Finale, ‘Transparent’ Ends on a Low Note

With a Confusing Musical Finale, ‘Transparent’ Ends on a Low Note With a Confusing Musical Finale, ‘Transparent’ Ends on a Low Note

The show’s campy and chaotic end reflects its many fitful evolutions across its five seasons.

Sep 27, 2019 / Naomi Gordon-Loebl

Making Sense of Trump’s Rise

Making Sense of Trump’s Rise Making Sense of Trump’s Rise

Three new books try to explain how we got such a massive jerk in the White House.

Sep 26, 2019 / Column / Eric Alterman

Democratic presidential candidates raise their hands

Dear Democrats, the Mainstream Media Are Not Your Friends Dear Democrats, the Mainstream Media Are Not Your Friends

Misplaced trust in the media has repeatedly led to disastrous debates.

Aug 22, 2019 / Column / Eric Alterman

Is ‘Veep’ Still Funny?

Is ‘Veep’ Still Funny? Is ‘Veep’ Still Funny?

The show’s vicious political satire defined a decade of comedy, but its last season lacked the same punch.

Jul 16, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Erin Schwartz

Alexandria Villaseñor

Why I’m Climate Striking Against Fox News on Friday Why I’m Climate Striking Against Fox News on Friday

The news media is society’s alarm clock: It needs to wake us up.

Jun 26, 2019 / Alexandria Villaseñor
