The Constitution

The Struggle for Voting Rights Continues

The Struggle for Voting Rights Continues The Struggle for Voting Rights Continues

In the wake of the Supreme Court's devastating decision, citizens need to litigate, vote and pass a constitutional amendment.

Jun 25, 2013 / Melissa Harris-Perry

America’s Surveillance Net

America’s Surveillance Net America’s Surveillance Net

There is a revolution afoot—one that is being carried out by the government against the fundamental law of the land.

Jun 19, 2013 / Jonathan Schell

Government Spying: Why You Can’t ‘Just Trust Us’

Government Spying: Why You Can’t ‘Just Trust Us’ Government Spying: Why You Can’t ‘Just Trust Us’

For proof that the current surveillance programs are ripe for abuse, Americans need only look at what preceded them.

Jun 19, 2013 / Marcy Wheeler

Roberts’s Rules of Order

Roberts’s Rules of Order Roberts’s Rules of Order

Marcia Coyle’s damning study of the Roberts Court’s conservative agenda.

Jun 18, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Michael O’Donnell

The Meta Question

The Meta Question The Meta Question

What is the NSA doing with your metadata?

Jun 17, 2013 / Feature / Jaron Lanier

‘We Steal Secrets’ Misses the Leak for the Leakers

‘We Steal Secrets’ Misses the Leak for the Leakers ‘We Steal Secrets’ Misses the Leak for the Leakers

Just as the Assange saga consumes too much of Alex Gibney’s film, so today’s Snowden obsession deflects attention away from our sprawling surveillance state.

Jun 17, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Peter Maass

The Making of a Global Security State

The Making of a Global Security State The Making of a Global Security State

The five uncontrollable urges of a secrecy-surveillance world.

Jun 17, 2013 / Tom Engelhardt

The Five Stages of Living in a National Surveillance State

The Five Stages of Living in a National Surveillance State The Five Stages of Living in a National Surveillance State

Acceptance may be the most painful step.

Jun 11, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

Spying by the NSA: Calm Down, It’s Not Nixon’s Plumbers

Spying by the NSA: Calm Down, It’s Not Nixon’s Plumbers Spying by the NSA: Calm Down, It’s Not Nixon’s Plumbers

Not a molehill, but not a mountain either.

Jun 11, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Passion of Edward Snowden

The Passion of Edward Snowden The Passion of Edward Snowden

There’s really nothing “meta” about metadata.

Jun 10, 2013 / Chase Madar
