Why the ACLU Is Wrong About ‘Citizens United’ Why the ACLU Is Wrong About ‘Citizens United’
A former ACLU attorney points out that corporate spending on political campaigns is not “free speech” deserving First Amendment protection.
Mar 21, 2012 / Burt Neuborne
Eggs Are People Too! Eggs Are People Too!
Today's “right to life” rhetoric is a bizarre cross between the theological imperative to be fruitful and multiply and the fetishism of microbiological cellular promise...
Mar 21, 2012 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Why Obama’s Healthcare Law Is Constitutional Why Obama’s Healthcare Law Is Constitutional
The individual mandate is not a threat to fundamental liberties.
Mar 7, 2012 / David Cole

Guantánamo: Ten Years and Counting Guantánamo: Ten Years and Counting
With Obama's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the prison becomes a permanent fixture.
Jan 4, 2012 / David Cole
Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens
With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the president has brought Guantánamo-style justice to the United States.
Jan 4, 2012 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

The Dangerous Defense Bill Heading Toward Obama’s Desk The Dangerous Defense Bill Heading Toward Obama’s Desk
The National Defense Authorization Act would authorize indefinite military detention for US citizens, stripping Americans of their constitutional rights.
Dec 14, 2011 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Police Surveillance in the Digital Age: 24/7, Without a Warrant Police Surveillance in the Digital Age: 24/7, Without a Warrant
That's what the Obama administration is arguing for, in a crucial case now before the Supreme Court.
Nov 16, 2011 / David Cole

Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech? Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech?
Baltimore and New York are requiring crisis pregnancy centers to disclose basic information about their services. But some judges say these ordinances violate the First Amendment.
Oct 31, 2011 / Kate Murphy
How Would the Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Reform Affect the Election? How Would the Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Reform Affect the Election?
The Republican base is just as likely to be outraged by a decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act.
Sep 29, 2011 / Ben Adler

Empire or Republic? Empire or Republic?
The Constitution alone cannot keep the US from fighting wars it shouldn't be involved in—like the one in Libya.
Jun 29, 2011 / The Editors