The Senate GOP Is Getting Desperate The Senate GOP Is Getting Desperate
After slamming House Dems for not working through the courts to get evidence, they refuse to work through the courts to get evidence.
Jan 24, 2020 / Joan Walsh

Trump Is Shooting the Constitution in the Middle of Pennsylvania Avenue Trump Is Shooting the Constitution in the Middle of Pennsylvania Avenue
A brazen president brags about obstruction of Congress and thwarting the system of checks and balances.
Jan 22, 2020 / John Nichols

The Republicans Have Revealed Their Impeachment Strategy—Lying The Republicans Have Revealed Their Impeachment Strategy—Lying
As the trial enters its second day, can anyone stop Trump’s Senate enablers from dissembling their way to an acquittal?
Jan 22, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Mitch McConnell Is the Crooked Guardian of an Imperial Presidency Mitch McConnell Is the Crooked Guardian of an Imperial Presidency
The majority leader has admitted he’s conspiring to thwart an impartial impeachment trial. Everyone with a brain and a conscience should be calling for his recusal.
Jan 16, 2020 / John Nichols

The Only Way Out of Our Latest War The Only Way Out of Our Latest War
We cannot let the president continue our misadventures in the Middle East.
Jan 16, 2020 / Robert L. Borosage

Congress Finally Begins to Assert Its War Powers Authority Congress Finally Begins to Assert Its War Powers Authority
So why do so many congressional Republicans reject their oaths of office and bow to Donald Trump’s unconscionable demands?
Jan 11, 2020 / John Nichols

10 Stories From 2019 That Might Just Renew Your Faith in Politics 10 Stories From 2019 That Might Just Renew Your Faith in Politics
From funding for the Census to Stacey Abrams’s persistence, progressives did score some victories this year.
Dec 24, 2019 / Steve Phillips

True Religious Faith Demands an Unwavering Rebuke of Trumpism True Religious Faith Demands an Unwavering Rebuke of Trumpism
Prophetic Christianity insists that faith must speak up for the vulnerable. To revive the heart of democracy, this nation needs a revolution of values.
Dec 23, 2019 / Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Trump Is Impeached, and Everything Is On the Line Trump Is Impeached, and Everything Is On the Line
Even if the Senate ends up keeping him in office, it was still crucial for politicians to take a stand against this sadistic president.
Dec 20, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky

The House Impeaches Trump The House Impeaches Trump
Trump has abused his power and obstructed Congress, and Wednesday night, the House of Representatives held him accountable.
Dec 18, 2019 / John Nichols