The Constitution

Honorable Brett Kavanaugh

Senator Merkley Is Suing to Halt the Lawless Kavanaugh Confirmation Process Senator Merkley Is Suing to Halt the Lawless Kavanaugh Confirmation Process

Citing Trump administration secrecy, he asks a federal judge to issue an injunction to prevent this mangled process from continuing.

Sep 26, 2018 / John Nichols

Rod Rosenstein

How to Stop Trump’s Slow-Motion ‘Saturday Night Massacre’ How to Stop Trump’s Slow-Motion ‘Saturday Night Massacre’

To prevent Trump from removing Rod Rosenstein, Congress must overcome obstruction and keep the executive in check.

Sep 25, 2018 / John Nichols

Protesters demonstrate in Russell Building to oppose the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on September 24, 2018.

Take Action to Support Survivors and Oppose Brett Kavanaugh Take Action to Support Survivors and Oppose Brett Kavanaugh

Republicans continue to rush Kavanaugh’s confirmation and dismiss the serious allegations.

Sep 25, 2018 / NationAction

Grassley and Kavanaugh first day of hearing

McConnell and Grassley Have Prevented Proper Scrutiny of Kavanaugh. That Has to End, Now. McConnell and Grassley Have Prevented Proper Scrutiny of Kavanaugh. That Has to End, Now.

Their attempt to rush Trump’s pick onto the high court is a scandal against the Constitution.

Sep 24, 2018 / John Nichols

Chuck Grassley and Brett Kavanaugh

Grassley Knows Exactly What He Was Doing 35 Years Ago—Scheming to Ban Abortion Grassley Knows Exactly What He Was Doing 35 Years Ago—Scheming to Ban Abortion

The Judiciary Committee chair will bend every rule to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as part of his career-long mission to overturn Roe.

Sep 21, 2018 / John Nichols

Trump with arms crossed

Donald Trump Is Actively Obstructing Justice Donald Trump Is Actively Obstructing Justice

Nixon faced impeachment for “interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of investigations.” That is what Trump is now doing.

Sep 18, 2018 / John Nichols

Honorable Brett Kavanaugh

Now Is the Time to Hold Real Hearings on the Kavanaugh Nomination Now Is the Time to Hold Real Hearings on the Kavanaugh Nomination

Shocking allegations about the Supreme Court nominee’s past must be reviewed—along with evidence that he has repeatedly lied to the Senate.

Sep 17, 2018 / John Nichols

How and Why the First Amendment Became a Weapon for the Right

How and Why the First Amendment Became a Weapon for the Right How and Why the First Amendment Became a Weapon for the Right

Over the past decade, the Supreme Court has recast free speech and the Constitution’s core principles in order to entrench the power of employers and the wealthy.

Sep 12, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Jedediah Britton-Purdy

A demonstrator protests in front of the Supreme Court as President Donald Trump announces Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nominee.

The Supreme Court Is an Antidemocratic Hot Mess—and We Should Change That The Supreme Court Is an Antidemocratic Hot Mess—and We Should Change That

If the Senate won’t do its constitutional duty, that duty should be taken away from it.

Sep 11, 2018 / Richard Kim

Brett Kavanaugh swearing in

Brett Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached Brett Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached

A key lawyer says: “He lied. Under oath.” That’s impeachable.

Sep 10, 2018 / John Nichols
