The Constitution

The Senator Defending Your Privacy Is Fighting for His Political Life

The Senator Defending Your Privacy Is Fighting for His Political Life The Senator Defending Your Privacy Is Fighting for His Political Life

Colorado Senator Mark Udall has challenged the NSA and defended the Constitution.

Oct 31, 2014 / John Nichols

The Government War Against Reporter James Risen

The Government War Against Reporter James Risen The Government War Against Reporter James Risen

The vendetta against him and whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling reflects an antidemocratic goal: the uninformed consent of the governed.

Oct 8, 2014 / Feature / Norman Solomon and Marcy Wheeler

Revenge Porn Is Malicious and Reprehensible. But Should It Be a Crime?

Revenge Porn Is Malicious and Reprehensible. But Should It Be a Crime? Revenge Porn Is Malicious and Reprehensible. But Should It Be a Crime?

The line between respecting civil liberties and protecting victims is anything but clear.

Oct 1, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

Is the War on ISIS Illegal?

Is the War on ISIS Illegal? Is the War on ISIS Illegal?

The Obama administration’s legal justification for expanding military action in Iraq and Syria is hypocritical and based on tenuous logic.

Sep 11, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

How One Piece of Paper Destroyed Your Right to a Trial

How One Piece of Paper Destroyed Your Right to a Trial How One Piece of Paper Destroyed Your Right to a Trial

According to a recently declassified Justice Department white paper, the president can serve as judge, jury and executioner.

Jul 24, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

66 Percent of Americans Now Live in a Constitution-Free Zone

66 Percent of Americans Now Live in a Constitution-Free Zone 66 Percent of Americans Now Live in a Constitution-Free Zone

Thanks to the militarization and expansion of the “border” region, 197 million Americans now live within the jurisdiction of US Customs and Border Patrol.

Jul 15, 2014 / Todd Miller

On the NSA, Hillary Clinton Is Either a Fool or a Liar

On the NSA, Hillary Clinton Is Either a Fool or a Liar On the NSA, Hillary Clinton Is Either a Fool or a Liar

Clinton is using Edward Snowden as a punching bag to shore up her hawkish bona fides. 

Jul 8, 2014 / Robert Scheer

The One Supreme Court Decision We Can Celebrate

The One Supreme Court Decision We Can Celebrate The One Supreme Court Decision We Can Celebrate

In ruling that police may not search cellphones without a warrant, the Court brought the Fourth Amendment into the twenty-first century.

Jul 2, 2014 / David Cole

Supreme Court Says Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Phone

Supreme Court Says Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Phone Supreme Court Says Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Phone

But will they apply the same logic to the NSA’s massive surveillance dragnet?

Jun 26, 2014 / Robert Scheer

Four Ways the Fourth Amendment No Longer Applies to Our Lives

Four Ways the Fourth Amendment No Longer Applies to Our Lives Four Ways the Fourth Amendment No Longer Applies to Our Lives

Since 9/11, the government has ceaselessly violated our constitutional rights—none more so than the right to privacy.

Jun 26, 2014 / Peter Van Buren
