The Left

Why Should the Left Support Obama?

Why Should the Left Support Obama? Why Should the Left Support Obama?

I wish, just once, an endorsement of a Democratic presidential candidate would mull over some serious structural issues that are at stake.

Oct 17, 2012 / Doug Henwood

Re-Elect the President Re-Elect the President

Whatever disappointments progressives have with Obama's first term, we have a profound interest in the popular rejection of the Romney/Ryan ticket.

Oct 3, 2012 / The Editors

Remembering Eric Hobsbawm Remembering Eric Hobsbawm

Hobsbawm’s life and writings will long serve as an inspiration to those who believe that a knowledge of history is essential to working for a better world.

Oct 3, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner

Go for the Jugular Go for the Jugular

What a principled counterattack campaign against the GOP would look like.

Oct 2, 2012 / Feature / Dorian T. Warren

Movements Need Politicians—and Vice Versa Movements Need Politicians—and Vice Versa

Where their interests overlap, progressive politics can thrive.

Oct 2, 2012 / Feature / Frances Fox Piven and Lorraine C. Minnite

Time to Rewire Time to Rewire

A Romney presidency would rob progressive movements of the oxygen required to grow deeper and broader roots.

Oct 2, 2012 / Feature / Ilyse Hogue

A Letter to My Allies on the Left A Letter to My Allies on the Left

It's time we kick the “lesser of two evils” excuse and engage in a true political conversation. 

Sep 27, 2012 / Rebecca Solnit

The Battle for Congress The Battle for Congress

Even if Obama wins, he won’t be able to accomplish much if progressives don’t do well in legislative races. Here are ten worthy contenders.

Sep 26, 2012 / Feature / John Nichols

The Blue-State Strategy for Progressive Renewal The Blue-State Strategy for Progressive Renewal

Democrats have a rich opportunity to push electoral reform at the state level.

Sep 26, 2012 / Feature / Steven Hill

Why Progressives Should Vote for Obama Why Progressives Should Vote for Obama

President Obama and the Democrats are not the “lesser of two evils.” On the contrary, they are the far superior—and more progressive—choice in 2012.

Sep 18, 2012 / Timothy Patrick McCarthy
