The Left

Elsie Fox: Still Here Elsie Fox: Still Here

A woman of passion and principle traces the history of the American left. At 101, she's still with us.

Apr 16, 2009 / Feature / Brian Kahn

A Lexicon of Disappointment A Lexicon of Disappointment

All is not well in Obamafanland, as disenchanted supporters entertain the possibility that he is not, in fact, going to save the world.

Apr 15, 2009 / Column / Naomi Klein

Operation Healthcare Operation Healthcare

Obama's hybrid approach to healthcare reform will succeed if progressives come together to support smart, incremental improvements in public programs.

Apr 8, 2009 / The Editors

A Responsible Afghan Strategy A Responsible Afghan Strategy

If the United States ever wishes to leave Afghanistan, it requires a sustained engagement using all elements of national power--military, economic and diplomatic.

Apr 6, 2009 / Lawrence J. Korb and Sean E. Duggan

Is Our Big Change Moment Coming? Is Our Big Change Moment Coming?

The time is ripe for another another progressive revolution: we only have to make it happen.

Mar 13, 2009 / Michael Lux

Populists in the House Populists in the House

If the new Populist Caucus is to make a difference in Congress, its members must channel popular fury at Wall Street's amen corner on Capitol Hill.

Mar 11, 2009 / John Nichols

Follow Brazil’s Example Follow Brazil’s Example

What we want from Obama is not social transformation. We want measures to minimize the suffering of people right now.

Mar 5, 2009 / Feature / Immanuel Wallerstein

Rising to the Occasion Rising to the Occasion

The capitalists who have run things so far have forfeited all trust and respect. So what will we do now? A Nation Forum.

Mar 5, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich and Bill Fletcher Jr.

Auguries in the Dawn of Obama-Time Auguries in the Dawn of Obama-Time

At almost every level, his choices of people and policy have been calibrated to appease the establishment.

Feb 4, 2009 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Beyond Hope Beyond Hope

When the government is organizing a movement to back the government in the name of progressive politics, something is seriously awry.

Jan 28, 2009 / Column / Gary Younge
