Cornbread and Roses Cornbread and Roses
With his campaign to eradicate poverty in America, John Edwards has shed his Clinton Lite image. But to truly redefine the Democratic party and win the 2008 presidency, he has a lo...
Can We Talk? Can We Talk?
Liberals need to find a means to bridge the gap between Americans' belief in liberal solutions and their willingness to trust liberals to enact them.
Nov 3, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman
Minority/Majority Minority/Majority
The attempt to fashion a distinct Democratic identity was temporarily halted when Elaine Kamarck and William Galston published a self-serving call for Democrats to move to the "cen...
Oct 27, 2005 / David Sirota
The War of the Liberals The War of the Liberals
Power and the Idealists clings to the notion that the Iraq War was waged for humanitarian ideals, while At the Point of a Gun documents the inner torment of humanitarian interventi...
Oct 26, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Stephen Holmes
Kaine Country Kaine Country
It's a tight race, but if Tim Kaine becomes the next governor of Virginia, Democrats gain what they desperately need to win back Congress: a big win in a Southern state.
Oct 20, 2005 / Feature / John Nichols
Wrong About the Right Wrong About the Right
Progressives lack a common set of that tie a movement together. But they can build on conservatives' proven strategy of slowly creating a broad consensus.
Oct 20, 2005 / Feature / Jean Hardisty and Deepak Bhargava
Corrupt, Incompetent and ‘Off Center’ Corrupt, Incompetent and ‘Off Center’
With leading Republicans facing the slammer and Bush in a tailspin, fate has given liberals a huge opportunity. Americans already share our values--we need a new language to help c...
Oct 20, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman
Spreading the Dough Spreading the Dough
How can the left build a new majority? EMILY's List has a big piece of the answer.
Oct 12, 2005 / Feature / Ruth Conniff
A *Real* Contract With America A *Real* Contract With America
The Gulf Coast hurricanes could dislodge decades-long conservative domination of US politics, but only if Democrats offer an alternative vision of government and society to voters.
Oct 6, 2005 / Feature / Robert L. Borosage
Winning the Peace Winning the Peace
Antiwar Democrats in Washington are facing a moment of truth: Now is the time to raise the volume on the previously taboo discussion of a real exit strategy from Iraq.
Sep 15, 2005 / Feature / John Nichols