The Left

Nina Turner on the campaign trail

It’s Nina Turner Against the Democratic Establishment in Ohio 11 It’s Nina Turner Against the Democratic Establishment in Ohio 11

The progressive congressional candidate hoped her longtime Democratic Party status could shield her from establishment backlash. It has not.

Jul 23, 2021 / Joan Walsh

India Walton

Progressives Around the Country Are Recalling Sewer Socialism’s Proud History Progressives Around the Country Are Recalling Sewer Socialism’s Proud History

At the local level, sidewalk socialists represent a movement whose time has come.

Jul 21, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Utopia Is Possible—Yes, Even Now, Especially Now—but We Have to Demand It

Utopia Is Possible—Yes, Even Now, Especially Now—but We Have to Demand It Utopia Is Possible—Yes, Even Now, Especially Now—but We Have to Demand It

Radical faith in grand visions is supercharged by the promise that fundamental change is possible.

Jul 15, 2021 / Feature / John Nichols

Utopia and Dystopia Are Twins—Both Are Born Out of Criticism

Utopia and Dystopia Are Twins—Both Are Born Out of Criticism Utopia and Dystopia Are Twins—Both Are Born Out of Criticism

But it is only Utopia that allows us to dream together.

Jul 14, 2021 / Feature / Jeet Heer

A person in wheelchair, being pushed by another person, waiting to cast their vote in the Wisconsin primary election

The Community That May Be Hurt Most by Republican Voter Restrictions: Americans With Disabilities The Community That May Be Hurt Most by Republican Voter Restrictions: Americans With Disabilities

Bills making it harder for them to vote from home are an affront to their civil rights.

Jul 13, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Eric Adams Is Going to Be a Very Different Kind of Mayor

Eric Adams Is Going to Be a Very Different Kind of Mayor Eric Adams Is Going to Be a Very Different Kind of Mayor

His deep ties to organized labor and Democratic institutions make him a tough opponent for the city’s left. Yet the same institutional checks that have long frustrated progressives...

Jul 12, 2021 / Column / Ross Barkan

Campaign poster for Kristin Richardson Jordan

Harlem Is Sending a Black Lesbian Democratic Socialist to the City Council Harlem Is Sending a Black Lesbian Democratic Socialist to the City Council

A radical poet and educator’s come-from-behind victory over a machine politician complicates the narrative that New York Black moderates rejected a left agenda.

Jul 8, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Oriol Junqueras

Can Catalan Pardons Pave a Way Out of Spain’s Territorial Crisis? Can Catalan Pardons Pave a Way Out of Spain’s Territorial Crisis?

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez released nine Catalan independence leaders from prison. Is it a step toward a solution?

Jul 8, 2021 / Sebastiaan Faber and Bécquer Seguín

Chinese Troops Xinjiang

Xinjiang Denialists Are Only Aiding Imperialism Xinjiang Denialists Are Only Aiding Imperialism

Denying China’s oppression of Uighurs helps empire—both China’s and the US’s.

Jul 6, 2021 / Gerald Roche

Anti-war protest

The True American Patriots Are the Anti-Imperialists The True American Patriots Are the Anti-Imperialists

Two hundred years ago this week, our wisest secretary of state warned Americans against a career of empire.

Jul 2, 2021 / John Nichols
