US Wars and Military Action

George H.W. Bush CIA Swearing

George H.W. Bush, Icon of the WASP Establishment—and of Brutal US Repression in the Third World George H.W. Bush, Icon of the WASP Establishment—and of Brutal US Repression in the Third World

Obituaries have transformed the terror that Bush inflicted, depicting it as heroism.

Dec 4, 2018 / Greg Grandin

Diego Garcia Island

Chagos Islanders Want to Go Home Chagos Islanders Want to Go Home

When the United States built a military base on Diego Garcia, its inhabitants were forced out. Will the International Court of Justice rule on their return?

Dec 3, 2018 / Abdelwahab Biad and Elsa Edynak

War With Russia?

War With Russia? War With Russia?

The New Cold War is more dangerous than the one the world survived.

Dec 3, 2018 / Feature / Stephen F. Cohen

elizabeth warren american university

Elizabeth Warren Just Took a Crucial Stand for Democracy and Enlightened Internationalism Elizabeth Warren Just Took a Crucial Stand for Democracy and Enlightened Internationalism

Warren is proposing to break the grip of billionaire campaign donors and corporate interests on US foreign policy.

Nov 30, 2018 / John Nichols

Yemen airstrike

In a Rebuke to Trump, the Senate Just Voted to Open Debate on US Support of Saudi War in Yemen In a Rebuke to Trump, the Senate Just Voted to Open Debate on US Support of Saudi War in Yemen

A resolution sponsored by Bernie Sanders breaks the deadlock, with a 63-37 vote.

Nov 28, 2018 / John Nichols

Yemen Bombed Buildings

Yemen’s Human-Rights Defenders Are Fighting Increasingly Desperate Odds Yemen’s Human-Rights Defenders Are Fighting Increasingly Desperate Odds

“This war will never stop until the international community decides to take action.”

Nov 28, 2018 / Sarah Aziza

Yemen child arm measurement

Bernie Sanders Wants the Senate to End ‘Unauthorized and Unconstitutional’ US Aid to the Saudi Assault on Yemen Bernie Sanders Wants the Senate to End ‘Unauthorized and Unconstitutional’ US Aid to the Saudi Assault on Yemen

He has secured critical backing for a vote to block US support for attacks that are worsening a humanitarian crisis.

Nov 27, 2018 / John Nichols

Trump Saudi Arms Deal

Has the United States Been Fighting the Wrong War in the Middle East? Has the United States Been Fighting the Wrong War in the Middle East?

If evidence is to be believed…

Nov 27, 2018 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed

Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed

How US military spending keeps rising even as the Pentagon flunks its audit.

Nov 27, 2018 / Feature / Dave Lindorff

America’s Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost $5.9 Trillion

America’s Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost $5.9 Trillion America’s Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost $5.9 Trillion

Not to mention 240,000 civilian deaths and 21 million displaced. And yet a congressional commission is urging yet more money for a bloated Pentagon.

Nov 21, 2018 / William D. Hartung
