US Wars and Military Action

John Bolton at a cabinet meeting with Donald Trump

The Get-Tough-on-Russia Consensus Is Escalating the Crisis in Syria The Get-Tough-on-Russia Consensus Is Escalating the Crisis in Syria

Both John Bolton and top Democrats are calling for aggressive action against Russia, curtailing diplomatic options.

Apr 11, 2018 / Aaron Maté

Steven Cohen

Is This Hedge-Fund Titan Greasing the Levers for Privatizing the Veterans Health Administration? Is This Hedge-Fund Titan Greasing the Levers for Privatizing the Veterans Health Administration?

Billionaire Steven A. Cohen funds an expanding network of private clinics for veterans—and he’s personally hired five lobbyists in Washington.

Apr 11, 2018 / Jasper Craven and Suzanne Gordon

Don’t Let Mike Pompeo Become Secretary of State

Don’t Let Mike Pompeo Become Secretary of State Don’t Let Mike Pompeo Become Secretary of State

You can also join the 2018 Tax March and open up your home to people fleeing violence in Central America.

Apr 10, 2018 / NationAction

US Navy sailors

The United States Has a Superb Military That Never Gets the Job Done The United States Has a Superb Military That Never Gets the Job Done

Here’s why.

Apr 10, 2018 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Chinese naval officer stands next to rocket launcher

Is a Modern Chinese Navy a Threat to the United States? Is a Modern Chinese Navy a Threat to the United States?

China’s rising presence in the Indian and Pacific oceans has far-reaching implications for our world order.

Apr 9, 2018 / Alfred W. McCoy

Trump speaks to navy and shipyard personnel

How Racism Could Drive Support for War With Iran How Racism Could Drive Support for War With Iran

Racial animus has long driven imperial invasions. 

Apr 6, 2018 / Sean McElwee and Jon Green

john bolton lobby trump tower

Just When You Thought Trump’s Cabinet Couldn’t Get Any More Dangerous Just When You Thought Trump’s Cabinet Couldn’t Get Any More Dangerous

The president finally has the minions he wants: devoted and fervently militaristic.

Apr 5, 2018 / Danny Sjursen

Russia People

Russophobia in the New Cold War Russophobia in the New Cold War

Several factors make this US-Russian Cold War more dangerous than its predecessor—is “Russo-madness” one of them?

Apr 4, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

The Pentagon

The Pentagon Is Making Plans That Could Bring On Disaster The Pentagon Is Making Plans That Could Bring On Disaster

The Cold War is back, and with it comes tremendous risk of escalation and confrontation.

Apr 3, 2018 / Michael T. Klare

The Washington Monument and US Capitol silhouetted at dawn in Washington, DC.

Democrats Enlist to Serve, Protect, and Defend the Discredited Foreign-Policy Consensus Democrats Enlist to Serve, Protect, and Defend the Discredited Foreign-Policy Consensus

Meet the new Beltway group that seeks to protect and defend the bipartisan foreign-policy orthodoxy.

Apr 2, 2018 / James Carden
