US Wars and Military Action

Trump at press conference

Media Contempt for Facts Grows Along With the Dangers of War With Russia Media Contempt for Facts Grows Along With the Dangers of War With Russia

“Russiagate” has become a grave threat to US national security—but its discredited foundational allegations persist.

Jun 28, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Moon Jae In

South Korean President Moon Jae-in Prepares for a Difficult Meeting With Trump South Korean President Moon Jae-in Prepares for a Difficult Meeting With Trump

Dealing with the hawkish president won’t be easy for Moon, who seeks renewed peace efforts with North Korea.

Jun 27, 2017 / Tim Shorrock

Afghan Escalation

Trump’s Chaos Is Covering for Stealth Escalation Overseas Trump’s Chaos Is Covering for Stealth Escalation Overseas

Americans are tired of wars without end. But the reality is that we are headed into more war without public support, without a sensible strategy or a clear purpose.

Jun 27, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel


Fighting American Wars on Reality TV Fighting American Wars on Reality TV

Our invasions and bombings have become prime-time entertainment for millions.  

Jun 27, 2017 / Rebecca Gordon

A U.S. Special Forces trainer supervises a military assault drill for a unit within the Sudan People's Liberation Army conducted in Nzara on the outskirts of Yambio

American Special Ops Forces Have Deployed to 70 Percent of the World’s Countries in 2017 American Special Ops Forces Have Deployed to 70 Percent of the World’s Countries in 2017

And we’re only halfway through the year.

Jun 26, 2017 / Nick Turse

Salim vs. Michell

These CIA Torture Victims May Finally Have a Chance at Justice These CIA Torture Victims May Finally Have a Chance at Justice

A lawsuit filed on behalf of former “black site” prisoners is now scheduled to go to trial—but in seeking restitution, the detainees have had to relive their torment.  &n...

Jun 26, 2017 / Larry Siems

Iraq US Coalition Airstrike

Trump’s Policy Is Clear: Civilian Casualties Don’t Matter in the War on Terror Trump’s Policy Is Clear: Civilian Casualties Don’t Matter in the War on Terror

Multiple air strikes on cities and the use of white phosphorus—a probable war crime—guarantee a growing death toll.

Jun 21, 2017 / Phyllis Bennis

iran missile syria

The Iran-US Drone War in Syria Could Quickly Spin Out of Control The Iran-US Drone War in Syria Could Quickly Spin Out of Control

The US attempt to control the Syria-Iraq border will prolong the bloody Syrian civil war.

Jun 21, 2017 / Juan Cole

Vladimir Putin

Was a Cuban Missile Crisis Averted in Syria, the Transatlantic Alliance Ruptured, and Intelgate Exposed? Was a Cuban Missile Crisis Averted in Syria, the Transatlantic Alliance Ruptured, and Intelgate Exposed?

Though briefly noted by the mainstream media, we may have witnessed three essential truths about the new Cold War.

Jun 21, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Donald Trump Delivers Statement

Trump and His Generals Are Playing a Dangerous Game in Syria Trump and His Generals Are Playing a Dangerous Game in Syria

The recent events in Syria represent a remarkable break from the policy candidate Trump campaigned on last year.

Jun 21, 2017 / James Carden
