Mounting Incitements to War With Russia Mounting Incitements to War With Russia
Villainizing the Kremlin—without much evidence—for crises from Washington and Europe to Syria, Ukraine, and Afghanistan is increasing the possibility of a US-Russian war.
Apr 26, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy? Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy?
A challenge to the failed doctrines of the Democratic foreign-policy establishment is long overdue.
Apr 25, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Donald Trump Is the President Our Military Leaders Always Dreamed About Donald Trump Is the President Our Military Leaders Always Dreamed About
Don’t fool yourself—Donald is anything but an isolationist.
Apr 24, 2017 / Tom Engelhardt

How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis
The attack on the Syrian airfield was a message to North Korea and China—and a demonstration of Trump’s capitulation to the imperial clique.
Apr 20, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

Letters From the May 8/15, 2017, Issue Letters From the May 8/15, 2017, Issue
Solidarity with striking Harvard workers… Health care for all!… What is feminism?… Resisting the right wing… America’s perpetual wars…
Apr 20, 2017 / Our Readers

Why the New Cold War Is More Dangerous Than the Preceding One Why the New Cold War Is More Dangerous Than the Preceding One
Questionable but orthodox Cold War narratives make actual war with Russia more likely than during its 40-year predecessor.
Apr 19, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

The Chemical-Weapons Attack In Syria: Is There a Place for Skepticism? The Chemical-Weapons Attack In Syria: Is There a Place for Skepticism?
The American media have excluded dissenting expert opinions in their rush to embrace Trump’s war on Syria.
Apr 19, 2017 / James Carden

The Other Poison Gas Killing Syrians: Carbon Dioxide Emissions The Other Poison Gas Killing Syrians: Carbon Dioxide Emissions
If Trump and his cronies really cared about children killed by noxious gases, they wouldn’t be trying to spew ever more CO2 into the atmosphere.
Apr 18, 2017 / Juan Cole

Why We Can’t Afford to Send More Troops to the Middle East Why We Can’t Afford to Send More Troops to the Middle East
Pursuing such policies would all but hand victory to ISIS and other extremist groups.
Apr 18, 2017 / Danny Sjursen

In South Korea, War Hysteria Is Seen as an American Problem In South Korea, War Hysteria Is Seen as an American Problem
The big issue here is the May 9 presidential election, which is expected to bring a progressive to power.
Apr 17, 2017 / Tim Shorrock