US Wars and Military Action

US Marine

The Longest War in American History Has No End in Sight The Longest War in American History Has No End in Sight

And military leaders are still under the delusion that we can win.

Feb 28, 2017 / William J. Astore

Trump’s Machismo vs. Sweden’s ‘Feminist Foreign Policy’

Trump’s Machismo vs. Sweden’s ‘Feminist Foreign Policy’ Trump’s Machismo vs. Sweden’s ‘Feminist Foreign Policy’

Investing in women and girls does much more to keep us safe and promote peace than does spending even greater amounts on weapons designed to cause mass devastation.

Feb 28, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Refugees fleeing clashes in Iraq

‘Oh, ISIS. They Really Don’t Like It When Women Make Problems for Them.’ ‘Oh, ISIS. They Really Don’t Like It When Women Make Problems for Them.’

Iraqi refugees talk about how they resisted the group’s reign of terror.

Feb 23, 2017 / Anna Lekas Miller

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Is Détente Really Dead? Is Détente Really Dead?

Washington and Moscow observers are saying American allegations that President Trump is a Kremlin puppet have killed the new Russia policy he promised.

Feb 22, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

YPG fighter in Hasaka

The Syrian Kurds and Allegations of War Crimes The Syrian Kurds and Allegations of War Crimes

Critics respond to Roy Gutman’s special report on the Syrian Kurdish militia.

Feb 21, 2017 / Meredith Tax and Roy Gutman

Donald Trump in State Dining Room

Kremlin-Baiting President Trump (Without Facts) Must Stop Kremlin-Baiting President Trump (Without Facts) Must Stop

Bipartisan allegations that Trump is a “puppet” of or “compromised” by the Kremlin have grown into latter-day McCarthyism with grave threats to America and the world.

Feb 15, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Putin and Xi at the Red Square

China First, Russia Second, America Third: Trump’s Real Foreign Policy China First, Russia Second, America Third: Trump’s Real Foreign Policy

Despite all his talk, the president isn’t prioritizing American interests.

Feb 14, 2017 / Michael T. Klare

Kurdish figher in Hasaka, Syria

America’s Favorite Syrian Militia Rules With an Iron Fist America’s Favorite Syrian Militia Rules With an Iron Fist

The Kurdish YPG recruits fighters at gunpoint, assassinates political opponents, and suppresses the media.

Feb 13, 2017 / Roy Gutman

trump tillerson

Is Trump Headed for a War With China? Is Trump Headed for a War With China?

The brewing conflict in the South China Sea could become the next Cuban missile crisis.

Feb 13, 2017 / Rajan Menon

Pre-Superbowl Trump interview with O'Reilly

Trump Takes a Running Whack at the Liberal Interventionists Trump Takes a Running Whack at the Liberal Interventionists

He’s erratic and he’s no progressive, but at least he’s challenging the high priests of the foreign-policy establishment.

Feb 10, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence
