US Wars and Military Action

J. Edgar Hoover

Neo-McCarthyism and the New Cold War Neo-McCarthyism and the New Cold War

The preceding Cold War generated a prolonged slurring and suppression of dissenting American voices, and it may be happening again.

Dec 7, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen


A Letter From Rebel-Controlled Idlib, Syria A Letter From Rebel-Controlled Idlib, Syria

“Let Nusra go to hell,” says a member of the Islamic police, who are despised by the people and even by their own employees.

Dec 1, 2016 / Ammar Shawki and Roy Gutman

Rubble in Aleppo

Giving Voice to Millions of Americans: End US Wars of Intervention Giving Voice to Millions of Americans: End US Wars of Intervention

I felt it was critical to meet with Donald Trump now, before warmongering neocons convince him to escalate the Syrian conflict.

Nov 30, 2016 / Tulsi Gabbard

Fidel Castro

How Cubans See Fidel Castro and His Revolution Is Tied to How They See Themselves How Cubans See Fidel Castro and His Revolution Is Tied to How They See Themselves

It’s no surprise many beam with pride when they talk about the “triumphs of the revolution.”

Nov 30, 2016 / Andrés S. Pertierra

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and US Secretary of State John Kerry

False Narratives, Not ‘Fake News,’ Are the Real Cold-War Problem False Narratives, Not ‘Fake News,’ Are the Real Cold-War Problem

Any détente initiatives by President-elect Trump must break with spurious US accounts of the new Cold War.

Nov 30, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

General David Petraeus retirement

The Only Way Trump Could Actually ‘Drain the Swamp’ The Only Way Trump Could Actually ‘Drain the Swamp’

If he was serious about overturning the Washington establishment, he’d start by ending our constant wars. 

Nov 29, 2016 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Putin and Obama

The Friends and Foes of Détente With Russia The Friends and Foes of Détente With Russia

The mere adumbration of Trump–Putin cooperation has sent American Russo-phobic cold warriors into a frenzy of preemptive opposition.

Nov 23, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

The Pentagon in Washington

Trump’s Victory Is Great News for the Defense Industry Trump’s Victory Is Great News for the Defense Industry

A Pentagon spending binge is on the horizon.

Nov 22, 2016 / William D. Hartung

US aircraft carrier

The Militarization of Diplomacy and Other Corruptions of US Empire The Militarization of Diplomacy and Other Corruptions of US Empire

In part two of our interview, former ambassador Chas Freeman gives a master class in foreign policy.

Nov 22, 2016 / Patrick Lawrence

Rand Paul addresses supporters in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Rand Paul Will ‘Do Whatever It Takes’ to Block Donald Trump’s Hawkish Secretary of State Picks Rand Paul Will ‘Do Whatever It Takes’ to Block Donald Trump’s Hawkish Secretary of State Picks

Senator Rand Paul emerges as a sharp critic of John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, and other “unrepentant” supporters of the Iraq War and new fights with Iran.

Nov 21, 2016 / John Nichols
