Libya After Qaddafi Libya After Qaddafi
By ignoring the UN Security Council resolution’s mandate authorizing intervention, NATO may have destroyed the prospects for future legitimate uses of the principle of &ldquo...
Oct 26, 2011 / Richard Falk
After Nearly Nine Years of War and Occupation, America to Withdraw All Troops From Iraq After Nearly Nine Years of War and Occupation, America to Withdraw All Troops From Iraq
In a stunning victory for the American peace movement and Iraqi opponents of the US occupation, virtually all US troops will withdraw from Iraq by this December 31.
Oct 20, 2011 / Tom Hayden
Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future
Ten years into the US occupation of Afghanistan, how can we effectively and humanely end an unwinnable war?
Oct 19, 2011 / The Nation
When Women Make Peace When Women Make Peace
In the wake of three women being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a new PBS documentary series celebrates women’s roles as peacemakers--but oversimplifies complex conflicts lik...
Oct 17, 2011 / Dana Goldstein
UN Torture Report Stirs Pressure for Congressional Response UN Torture Report Stirs Pressure for Congressional Response
Has the outsourcing of torture been a way to keep human rights groups at bay and protect the US image after Abu Ghraib?
Oct 14, 2011 / Tom Hayden
Awlaki Assassination Puts Obama Above the Law Awlaki Assassination Puts Obama Above the Law
Welcome to the Drone Empire, in which the president's executioners can kill without legal restraint.
Oct 5, 2011 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
US Killings in Yemen: Good Politics at Home, But a Quagmire Abroad US Killings in Yemen: Good Politics at Home, But a Quagmire Abroad
Even Barack Obama knows that the political necessity to prove that he is tough on terror can have dangerous consequences for American security and his standing throughout the wor...
Oct 4, 2011 / Tom Hayden
Chickening Out in Iraq: How Your Tax Dollars Financed ‘Reconstruction’ Madness in the Middle East Chickening Out in Iraq: How Your Tax Dollars Financed ‘Reconstruction’ Madness in the Middle East
State Department employee Peter Van Buren was sent to Iraq to help rebuild it. The result was an exercise in Murphy's Law.
Oct 3, 2011 / Peter Van Buren
As Obama Goes Abroad Searching for Monsters to Destroy, Ron Paul Rightly Rejects Assassinating Americans As Obama Goes Abroad Searching for Monsters to Destroy, Ron Paul Rightly Rejects Assassinating Americans
While Rick Perry hails the president's authorization of the killing of two Americans in Yemen, Paul rejects “assassinating American citizens without charges.”
Oct 1, 2011 / John Nichols
Assassinating Awlaki: Obama Can Kill Anyone He Wants To Assassinating Awlaki: Obama Can Kill Anyone He Wants To
Eliminating bad guys from the sky, even American citizens, confuses national security with a R-rated video game.
Sep 30, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss