Heart-Attack Iraq: Lessons From an Antiwar Movement Heart-Attack Iraq: Lessons From an Antiwar Movement
Our rulers thought we could be panicked into a permanent state of war. They underestimated our consciousness and commitment.
Nov 1, 2011 / Tom Hayden

Letter From Iraq: As the US Military Withdraws, Sectarian Tensions Continue to Smolder Letter From Iraq: As the US Military Withdraws, Sectarian Tensions Continue to Smolder
Iraqis overwhelmingly support the end of the US occupation. But they still suffer from the divisions it engendered.
Oct 28, 2011 / David Enders
Vet Survived Iraq, Only to Be Wounded Defending Civil Liberties in Oakland Vet Survived Iraq, Only to Be Wounded Defending Civil Liberties in Oakland
Clashes over the Occupy Oakland clearance leave an Iraq War veteran seriously wounded. As with the Bonus Army of 1932, vets who make economic demands at home find themselves u...
Oct 27, 2011 / John Nichols
Iraq: End of a Debacle Iraq: End of a Debacle
It was an ignominious end to America's worst foreign policy disaster since the Vietnam War, and the costs, for both Iraq and the United States, will be felt for some time.
Oct 26, 2011 / The Editors

Libya After Qaddafi Libya After Qaddafi
By ignoring the UN Security Council resolution’s mandate authorizing intervention, NATO may have destroyed the prospects for future legitimate uses of the principle of &ldquo...
Oct 26, 2011 / Richard Falk

After Nearly Nine Years of War and Occupation, America to Withdraw All Troops From Iraq After Nearly Nine Years of War and Occupation, America to Withdraw All Troops From Iraq
In a stunning victory for the American peace movement and Iraqi opponents of the US occupation, virtually all US troops will withdraw from Iraq by this December 31.
Oct 20, 2011 / Tom Hayden

Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future
Ten years into the US occupation of Afghanistan, how can we effectively and humanely end an unwinnable war?
Oct 19, 2011 / The Nation
When Women Make Peace When Women Make Peace
In the wake of three women being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a new PBS documentary series celebrates women’s roles as peacemakers--but oversimplifies complex conflicts lik...
Oct 17, 2011 / Dana Goldstein
UN Torture Report Stirs Pressure for Congressional Response UN Torture Report Stirs Pressure for Congressional Response
Has the outsourcing of torture been a way to keep human rights groups at bay and protect the US image after Abu Ghraib?
Oct 14, 2011 / Tom Hayden

Awlaki Assassination Puts Obama Above the Law Awlaki Assassination Puts Obama Above the Law
Welcome to the Drone Empire, in which the president's executioners can kill without legal restraint.
Oct 5, 2011 / Column / Alexander Cockburn