Jeremy Scahill: WikiLeaks Cables Confirm Secret US War in Pakistan Jeremy Scahill: WikiLeaks Cables Confirm Secret US War in Pakistan
When Jeremy Scahill reported on a secret US war in Pakistan last year, the Pentagon called his article "conspiratorial." But now, says Scahill on Democracy Now!, t...
Dec 3, 2010 / Press Room
The Hawks Call for War Against Iran The Hawks Call for War Against Iran
Powerful politicians and think tankers are using the nuclear issue to foment hysteria.
Dec 2, 2010 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
For a Sane Iran Policy For a Sane Iran Policy
Neither aggressive diplomacy nor coercive diplomacy will work. How can Obama work his way out of this dead end?
Dec 2, 2010 / The Editors
‘Tis the Season, Continued ‘Tis the Season, Continued
Alterman continues his holiday gift giving guidance with reviews along the way, while Ltc. Bob reminisces on a military past and present.
Dec 2, 2010 / Eric Alterman
Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga: ‘I was a Republican!’ Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga: ‘I was a Republican!’
How did Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga, founder and publisher of the Daily Kos—the largest progressive community blog in the United States—go from a Reagan-l...
Nov 30, 2010 / Press Room
Jerusalem Post Slams ‘The Dreyfuss Report’ on Wikileaks Jerusalem Post Slams ‘The Dreyfuss Report’ on Wikileaks
Israeli paper's editorial is gleeful over Wikileaks' revelation that some US diplomatic cables cite Arab Gulf rulers who want war with Iran.
Nov 30, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
WikiLeaks on the Arab Gulf States vs. Iran WikiLeaks on the Arab Gulf States vs. Iran
Why, exactly, should the United States care if a collection of corrupt Arab rulers in oil-rich kingdoms want America (or Israel) to bomb Iran?
Nov 29, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hayes on Afghanistan’s Taliban Hoax Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hayes on Afghanistan’s Taliban Hoax
Jeremy Scahill on The Rachel Maddow Show following peace talk fraud revelation: "If they can't even figure out who is a real Taliban leader to meet with, what does tha...
Nov 24, 2010 / Press Room
Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hayes on Afghanistan’s Taliban Hoax Jeremy Scahill and Chris Hayes on Afghanistan’s Taliban Hoax
Jeremy Scahill on The Rachel Maddow Show following peace talk fraud revelation: "If they can't even figure out who is a real Taliban leader to meet with, what does that ...
Nov 24, 2010 / MSNBC
NATO Against Mars? Count Anne Applebaum In NATO Against Mars? Count Anne Applebaum In
Post op-ed scribbler suggests that since NATO has done so well in Afghanistan, even Russia might join NATO to fight China.
Nov 23, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss