US Wars and Military Action

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child… Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child…

Newest pieces, women complaining about the attention given to Jonathan Franzen, some book and DVD recommendations and the latest mail.

Sep 9, 2010 / Eric Alterman

Against Counterinsurgency

Against Counterinsurgency Against Counterinsurgency

The recently released report of the Afghanistan Study Group affirms The Nation's long-held belief that American military disengagement in Afghanistan, combined with a new diplomati...

Sep 9, 2010 / The Editors

Biden Aide Refuses to Rule Out Continuing US Occupation in Iraq Biden Aide Refuses to Rule Out Continuing US Occupation in Iraq

Tony Blinken says that the US intends to remove the rest of troops in 2011, but he won't say that they'll leave even if Iraq falls apart. And, he says, there is no dialogue with Ir...

Sep 8, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Pentagon Triumphant on the Media Battlefield The Pentagon Triumphant on the Media Battlefield

The military's media megaphone and the U.S. global military presence.

Sep 7, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt

Accepting Defeat in Iraq Accepting Defeat in Iraq

Everyone is spinning the Iraq mission's so-called end but no one's willing to accept defeat.

Sep 2, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Our Iraq Debacle Our Iraq Debacle

America needs to remember the disastrous consequences of the war in Iraq. But Obama wants to put it all behind us.

Sep 2, 2010 / The Editors

Jeremy Schaill: GOP Is Angry That Obama Didn’t Praise Bush in Speech on Iraq Jeremy Schaill: GOP Is Angry That Obama Didn’t Praise Bush in Speech on Iraq

Jeremy Scahill asks why former President George Bush deserves positive recognition for his contributions to the Iraq War.

Sep 2, 2010 / Countdown

Unequal Sacrifice

Unequal Sacrifice Unequal Sacrifice

Why are poorer and less-educated citizens more likely to die in America's wars?

Sep 2, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Andrew J. Bacevich

Obama’s Awkward Speech: Not Quite Peace and Nowhere Near Prosperity

Obama’s Awkward Speech: Not Quite Peace and Nowhere Near Prosperity Obama’s Awkward Speech: Not Quite Peace and Nowhere Near Prosperity

The president says the combat mission in Iraq is ended. But 50,000 troops remain. And most people are far less excited about changes in Iraq than they are worried by an expanding c...

Sep 1, 2010 / John Nichols

Shhhhhh! JSOC is Hiring Interrogators and Covert Operatives for ‘Special Access Programs’ Shhhhhh! JSOC is Hiring Interrogators and Covert Operatives for ‘Special Access Programs’

The military's most elite, secretive force has started advertising for highly-sensitive positions on public jobs sites. Is this 'Preparing the Battlefield' 2.0?

Aug 25, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill
