The Baker Report, Leaked! The Baker Report, Leaked!
Stay the course? Cut and run? Cut the crap? What will former Secretary of State James A. Baker III propose after the midterm elections, when the bipartisan Iraq Study Group reveals...
Nov 2, 2006 / Evan Eisenberg
Pat Tillman’s Legacy Pat Tillman’s Legacy
As the elections approach, a former soldier, grieving the friendly-fire death of his brother in combat, asks: How has the most respected country in the world become so irrational, ...
Oct 20, 2006 / Kevin Tillman
The War and the Election The War and the Election
Ending the Iraq War is the most pressing issue facing America today. I
Oct 19, 2006 / The Editors
The Killing Fields of Iraq The Killing Fields of Iraq
The carnage the US has visited upon Iraq in the name of fighting terror has taken more than 600,000 lives. We are not building democracy, we are creating mayhem.
Oct 18, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Escape From Iraq Escape From Iraq
Bring back Saddam. Spring him from the slammer and put the old dictator back to work. Otherwise, we're never gonna get out of Iraq.
Oct 14, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Taliban Rising Taliban Rising
If the corruption of Karzai's government is Afghanistan's new cancer, then the Taliban are increasingly seen as chemotherapy: an unpleasant but necessary remedy.
Oct 12, 2006 / Feature / Christian Parenti
Woodward, Revised Woodward, Revised
Bob Woodward is late to the party: His new book, State of Denial, catches up to the story of the Iraq debacle that other journalists have been reporting for years.
Oct 9, 2006 / David Corn
Foley’s IMbroglio Foley’s IMbroglio
It shows how hapless and shallow Democrats are that they show so little electoral joy in a principled challenge to GOP rule. Instead we get tactical theatrics about whatever comes ...
Oct 5, 2006 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Senate Vote Advances President’s Effort to Kill War Crimes Act Senate Vote Advances President’s Effort to Kill War Crimes Act
The 109th Congress, led by Republican Senators McCain, Warner, and Graham and with the acquiescence of many Democrats, is poised to legalize torture, trials with secret evidence, ...
Sep 22, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
A Just Response A Just Response
The most effective response to terrorism involves nonmilitary actions in cooperation with the global community and within a framework of domestic and international law.
Sep 21, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel