US Wars and Military Action

Postcards From New York Postcards From New York

Among the approximately 150,000 people who took to the streets of New York on March 22 to protest the US invasion of Iraq were six Nation interns.

Mar 25, 2003 / Feature / The Nation

Inside Baghdad Inside Baghdad

Iraqis, exhausted by years of sanctions and oppression, just want it all to end.

Mar 20, 2003 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Global Dispatches Global Dispatches

The Nation elicited comment on reaction to the war against Iraq from all corners of the globe.

Mar 20, 2003 / Feature / The Nation

An American Tragedy

An American Tragedy An American Tragedy

The tragedy of America in the post-cold war era is that we have proved unequal to the responsibility that our own power placed upon us.

Mar 20, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Schell

The Poodle That Barked The Poodle That Barked

George Bush is supposed to be the cowboy, Tony Blair the sidekick--or, in some versions, the presidential poodle.

Mar 20, 2003 / D.D. Guttenplan

Iraq and Beyond Iraq and Beyond

The Bush Administration has launched a war against Iraq, a war that is unnecessary, unwise and illegal.

Mar 19, 2003 / The Editors

A Naked Bid to Redraw World Map A Naked Bid to Redraw World Map

The island bit over the weekend was a revealing farce.

Mar 18, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

This Is What History Feels Like This Is What History Feels Like

Repeat after me: This is what democracy looks like! Repeat after me: This is what history feels like! A movement the think tanks thought unthinkable.

Mar 17, 2003 / Tom Hayden

Fragments From a Diary Fragments From a Diary

Soothed by calm words, we are about to be driven into the flames of hell.

Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / Wallace Shawn

Antiwar America Antiwar America

From across the country, friends share stories of protest.

Mar 12, 2003 / Feature / Our Readers
