US Wars and Military Action

Where Is the Outrage Over the War in Afghanistan?

Where Is the Outrage Over the War in Afghanistan? Where Is the Outrage Over the War in Afghanistan?

A new Washington Post report proving the longest war in American history has been sold on lies for 20 years causes barely a ripple.

Dec 13, 2019 / Jeet Heer

Soldiers Mourn

We Have Just Been Handed the Pentagon Papers of Our Generation We Have Just Been Handed the Pentagon Papers of Our Generation

The Afghanistan Papers are a devastating indictment of our military and political leaders. The question is: Will anyone notice?

Dec 13, 2019 / Danny Sjursen

Military Officials Sent Us to Fight, Kill, and Die in an Unwinnable War

Military Officials Sent Us to Fight, Kill, and Die in an Unwinnable War Military Officials Sent Us to Fight, Kill, and Die in an Unwinnable War

The Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers framed in stark terms the incompetence and immorality of the officials under whom I served.

Dec 12, 2019 / Maggie Seymour

When the Climate Replaces Our Forever Wars

When the Climate Replaces Our Forever Wars When the Climate Replaces Our Forever Wars

What will the military look like in climate-crisis mode?

Dec 11, 2019 / Michael T. Klare

Trump Cabinet meeting

Who Is Making US Foreign Policy? Who Is Making US Foreign Policy?

An anti-neocon president appears to have been surrounded by neocons in his own administration.

Dec 5, 2019 / Stephen F. Cohen

US soldier in Afghanistan

US Soldiers Are Carrying the Hidden Trauma of Our Endless Wars US Soldiers Are Carrying the Hidden Trauma of Our Endless Wars

Mental health specialists have long recognized the deep emotional trauma of war. When will the US military?

Dec 5, 2019 / Arnold Isaacs

USS Ronald Reagan

Want to Stop Climate Change? Start With the US Military Want to Stop Climate Change? Start With the US Military

Our endless wars are taking countless innocent lives and destroying the planet itself.

Dec 4, 2019 / William Astore

Trump Has Made the Military Safe for War Criminals

Trump Has Made the Military Safe for War Criminals Trump Has Made the Military Safe for War Criminals

The Pentagon is focused on norm violations, while ignoring the enormity of the president’s actions.

Dec 2, 2019 / Jeet Heer


Trump Doesn’t Care About War Crimes Trump Doesn’t Care About War Crimes

And judging by its history, the US military doesn’t much either.

Nov 26, 2019 / Belén Fernández

Trump to World: Fuck You

Trump to World: Fuck You Trump to World: Fuck You

That’s essentially what the president said when he cleared three war criminals, overriding the wishes of his own military leaders.

Nov 26, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky
