War and Peace

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Letters From the November 1/8, 2021, Issue Letters From the November 1/8, 2021, Issue

Our carbon bootprint… The forgotten forever war… Fuzzy math… Feminism: left and white? (web only)…

Oct 19, 2021 / Our Readers and Rafia Zakaria

Titan Missile

To Avoid Armageddon, Don’t Modernize Missiles—Eliminate Them To Avoid Armageddon, Don’t Modernize Missiles—Eliminate Them

Land-based nuclear weapons are world-ending accident waiting to happen, and completely superfluous to a reliable deterrent.

Oct 19, 2021 / Daniel Ellsberg and Norman Solomon

Elaine Luria

Meet Representative Elaine Luria, Chowderhead Meet Representative Elaine Luria, Chowderhead

The Virginia Democrat wants Congress to give the president the authority to go to war with China. Because the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was such a shining success.

Oct 14, 2021 / Column / Andrew J. Bacevich

Hagel speaks with Afghanistan troops

I Lived Through the US Military’s Culture of Surveillance I Lived Through the US Military’s Culture of Surveillance

As a military spouse, I’ve been threatened, silenced, monitored, and shamed by the very people my husband fought alongside.

Oct 13, 2021 / Andrea Mazzarino

Xinjiang surveillance

How “Terror Capitalism” Links Uyghur Oppression to the Global Economy How “Terror Capitalism” Links Uyghur Oppression to the Global Economy

The camps in Xinjiang and undocumented work in the US are part of the same continuum of unfreedom.

Oct 12, 2021 / Darren Byler

Obama Bush Clinton

With the War on Terror, America Failed Upward With the War on Terror, America Failed Upward

What have America’s elites learned from two decades of global conflict? Almost nothing.

Oct 8, 2021 / Karen J. Greenberg

Anthony Veasna So’s Portraits of Diaspora

Anthony Veasna So’s Portraits of Diaspora Anthony Veasna So’s Portraits of Diaspora

His posthumous collection Afterparties is part of a new wave of writing on the cultural memory and historical traumas of Southeast Asian immigrants. 

Oct 5, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Larissa Pham

Grace Cho’s Memoir of Food and Empire

Grace Cho’s Memoir of Food and Empire Grace Cho’s Memoir of Food and Empire

Intertwining a personal story of Korean food ways and a family history caught in the midst of violence, Tastes Like War tests the limits, and shows the power, of memoir.

Oct 4, 2021 / Books & the Arts / E. Tammy Kim

Taliban Patrol Truck

Our Foreign Policy Elite Has Learned Nothing From Afghanistan Our Foreign Policy Elite Has Learned Nothing From Afghanistan

The War on Terror’s promoters and apologists are determined to blame Biden for finally bringing one bloody chapter to an end.

Oct 4, 2021 / Column / David Bromwich

Afghan Refugees

They Fled the Taliban. Now They’re in a Tent City in New Mexico. They Fled the Taliban. Now They’re in a Tent City in New Mexico.

Abul Ahmed describes the living conditions inside the Fort Bliss refugee camp.

Sep 30, 2021 / James Stout
