War and Peace

hiroshima little boy

Dividing the World Into Opposing Camps Is the Road to Armageddon Dividing the World Into Opposing Camps Is the Road to Armageddon

Washington aims to recast NATO in the image of the US military, with its focus on “great power competition” and a renewed arms race with Russia and China.

Jun 25, 2021 / Michael T. Klare for The Nation

Living in the Shadow of Human Extermination

Living in the Shadow of Human Extermination Living in the Shadow of Human Extermination

My hometown houses enough nukes to destroy all life on the planet—but it can represent something better than a nuclear holocaust.

Jun 25, 2021 / Frida Berrigan

Amazon in Palestine

Amazon’s Investments in Israel Reveal Complicity in Settlements and Military Operations Amazon’s Investments in Israel Reveal Complicity in Settlements and Military Operations

Before you click buy on Prime Day, consider Amazon’s role in terrorizing Palestinians.

Jun 22, 2021 / Charmaine Chua, Jake Alimahomed-Wilson, and Spencer Louis Potiker

Biden’s New Normal Seems Ominously Heading Toward a Revival of Cold War Politics

Biden’s New Normal Seems Ominously Heading Toward a Revival of Cold War Politics Biden’s New Normal Seems Ominously Heading Toward a Revival of Cold War Politics

We need a far more serious discussion about the real security priorities of the American people—and the real challenges we face.

Jun 22, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Guantánamo Bay

Our Family Members Died on 9/11. We Want to See Guantánamo Bay Closed. Our Family Members Died on 9/11. We Want to See Guantánamo Bay Closed.

Republican senators say keeping Guantánamo open is the only way to get justice. We know otherwise.

Jun 21, 2021 / Valerie Lucznikowska

air show

American Wars Mean American Lies American Wars Mean American Lies

We need a truth commission to hold leaders—military and civilian—accountable for America’s failed wars. 

Jun 18, 2021 / William Astore


It’s 2021. Why Are Only Men Required to Register for the Draft? It’s 2021. Why Are Only Men Required to Register for the Draft?

Register women too! Or better yet, replace the military draft with national service open to all.

Jun 17, 2021 / Ria Tabacco Mar

The Real Welfare Cheats Are War Profiteers

The Real Welfare Cheats Are War Profiteers The Real Welfare Cheats Are War Profiteers

We’re squabbling over Social Security, while the government lavishes infinitely more money on the arms industry.

Jun 16, 2021 / Rebecca Gordon

Biden Has an Opportunity to Begin Rebuilding the US’s Fractured Relationship With Russia

Biden Has an Opportunity to Begin Rebuilding the US’s Fractured Relationship With Russia Biden Has an Opportunity to Begin Rebuilding the US’s Fractured Relationship With Russia

Relations between the United States and Russia have reached a particularly perilous moment.

Jun 15, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Women in Russia and the US Show an Alternative to War

Women in Russia and the US Show an Alternative to War Women in Russia and the US Show an Alternative to War

American and Russian women who remember the danger of the Cold War understand the stakes of this year’s summit.

Jun 15, 2021 / Nadezhda Azhgikhina
