War and Peace


Joe Biden’s Pentagon Honeymoon Joe Biden’s Pentagon Honeymoon

The president’s first 100 days were a Pentagon prize.

May 14, 2021 / Mandy Smithberger

Iraqi Refugee Murder Arrest

Tragedy and Hope on the Western Front Tragedy and Hope on the Western Front

The imprisonment of Iraqi refugee Omar Ameen and the prospect of humane redistribution of wealth show California both failing and aspiring to its political promise.

May 14, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky

Israeli choke hold

A Nightmare of Terror Across the Landscape of Palestine A Nightmare of Terror Across the Landscape of Palestine

As Israeli lynch mobs roam the streets attacking Palestinians, and as Israeli war planes drop bombs on Gaza, it’s essential to understand how we arrived at this moment.

May 13, 2021 / Yousef Munayyer

Representative Ilhan Omar

Trump’s Obsessive Attacks Won’t Silence Ilhan Omar’s Defense of Palestinian Human Rights Trump’s Obsessive Attacks Won’t Silence Ilhan Omar’s Defense of Palestinian Human Rights

Rather than address concerns about Israeli air strikes killing Palestinian children, Trump and his allies target a Muslim member of Congress.

May 13, 2021 / John Nichols


Time for Mutiny Over Turkey’s Bounties on Kurdish Leaders Time for Mutiny Over Turkey’s Bounties on Kurdish Leaders

Why is the Biden administration blindly following Donald Trump’s policy of propping up Turkey’s authoritarian president?

May 13, 2021 / Meredith Tax


Endless War Is a Feature of Our National Programming Endless War Is a Feature of Our National Programming

Let’s pull the plug on our war machine.

May 12, 2021 / William J. Astore


The True Meaning of the Afghan ‘Withdrawal’ The True Meaning of the Afghan ‘Withdrawal’

Will the nightmare of Saigon’s fall return in Kabul?

May 11, 2021 / Alfred McCoy

Iran letter

Democrats Are Calling on Biden to Renew Diplomacy With Iran Democrats Are Calling on Biden to Renew Diplomacy With Iran

In spite of the president’s criticisms of Trump for backing out of the Iran deal, he has done little to reinstate it.

May 10, 2021 / Aída Chávez

CIA recruitment video

The Age of Intersectional Empire Is Upon Us The Age of Intersectional Empire Is Upon Us

The CIA’s recent recruitment video—featuring an “intersectional” millennial Latina—is the latest example of imperial rebranding.

May 10, 2021 / Roberto Lovato

Guantanamo Protest

Can Guantánamo Ever Be Shut Down? Can Guantánamo Ever Be Shut Down?

Dealing with the forever prison of America’s endless wars.

May 7, 2021 / Karen J. Greenberg
