War and Peace

Tom Engelhardt: Making America Truly Safer [VIDEO] Tom Engelhardt: Making America Truly Safer [VIDEO]

The key to making America safer is not to increase military spending but rather to do the exact opposite.

Apr 18, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

Taking Uncle Sam for a Ride Taking Uncle Sam for a Ride

How Pakistan makes Washington pay for the Afghan war.

Apr 17, 2012 / Dilip Hiro

Jeremy Scahill: Who Approves the Drones? [VIDEO]

Jeremy Scahill: Who Approves the Drones? [VIDEO] Jeremy Scahill: Who Approves the Drones? [VIDEO]

In the 1990s, targeted killing was highly controversial. Today, the practice is barely questioned. What happened in between?

Apr 16, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

What the Laws of War Allow What the Laws of War Allow

Do the WikiLeaks War Logs reveal war crimes? Or do they reveal the poverty of international law?

Apr 16, 2012 / Chase Madar

The Age of American Shadow Power

The Age of American Shadow Power The Age of American Shadow Power

Covert operations have now assumed a dominant—and destructive—role in US foreign policy.

Apr 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Juan Cole

The Afghan Syndrome The Afghan Syndrome

Vietnam has left town. Say hello to the new syndrome on the block.

Apr 10, 2012 / Tom Engelhardt

Joining the Whistleblowers’ Club Joining the Whistleblowers’ Club

What we lost in Iraq and Washington between 2009 and 2012.

Apr 9, 2012 / Peter Van Buren

‘Such an Instrument Is a Standing Army’ ‘Such an Instrument Is a Standing Army’

Eric on his return to Yale. Reed reviews Rachel Maddow's new book, Drift.

Apr 5, 2012 / Eric Alterman

Thinking the Unthinkable on Iran

Thinking the Unthinkable on Iran Thinking the Unthinkable on Iran

A war on Iran to stop its nuclear program would bring on a proliferation catastrophe.

Apr 4, 2012 / Feature / Jonathan Schell

The Problems With BDS The Problems With BDS

If the anti-Israel boycott's losing vote at the Park Slope Food Coop really was a victory for BDS, that's a bad thing. 

Mar 31, 2012 / Ben Adler
