Afghanistan War: What Is It Good For? Afghanistan War: What Is It Good For?
The War in Afghanistan is the longest in US history and the most expensive. What are we doing there?
Feb 9, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Media Miss the Al Jazeera Story Media Miss the Al Jazeera Story
One of the biggest stories of the past few weeks has been the story of Americans discovering Al Jazeera English. It shouldn't have been so hard.
Feb 7, 2011 / Laura Flanders
Army’s Mental Health Care Failed Bradley Manning Army’s Mental Health Care Failed Bradley Manning
The uprisings in Egypt have inspired all sorts of people, including Private Bradley Manning, the young man being held in solitary confinement in Quantico, accused of being the sour...
Feb 4, 2011 / Laura Flanders
Iranium: ‘Wanna See Somethin’ REALLY Scary?’ Iranium: ‘Wanna See Somethin’ REALLY Scary?’
A new documentary gives neocons a platform to scare viewers about Iran’s supposed plot to destroy Israel, the United States and the rest of the civilized world.
Feb 1, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
Future Weapons, Future Wars and the New Arms Race Future Weapons, Future Wars and the New Arms Race
High-powered magnets, guided bullets and high-flying drones are all part of the Pentagon’s battlefield vision of tomorrow’s tomorrow.
Feb 1, 2011 / Nick Turse
Washington Embraces Al Jazeera Washington Embraces Al Jazeera
Now will Obama actively encourage cable networks to end Bush administration–inspired censorship of the network?
Feb 1, 2011 / Jeremy Scahill
Stuxnet Worm in Iran Could have Triggered ‘Chernobyl’ Stuxnet Worm in Iran Could have Triggered ‘Chernobyl’
An intelligence report says the Stuxnet computer worm deployed by Israel and/or the US on Iran's nuclear program could have had catastrophic consequences.
Feb 1, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
You Must Watch the Empire Bowl You Must Watch the Empire Bowl
By this year's Super Bowl, if you are still passionately following football or, worse, allowing your kid to play, you may just be an old-fashioned imperialist running dog.
Jan 31, 2011 / Robert Lipsyte
Ending the Resource Wars Ending the Resource Wars
In his State of the Union address, President Obama opened a door through which the peace, labor and environmental movements should march—toward an independent energy future.
Jan 28, 2011 / Tom Hayden
Slacker Friday: ‘Scurrilous, Tendentious, Bellicose, Egregious’ Eric Alterman Edition Slacker Friday: ‘Scurrilous, Tendentious, Bellicose, Egregious’ Eric Alterman Edition
A response to Robert Dreyfuss, Reed on the facts behind the State of the Union Address and reader mail.
Jan 28, 2011 / Eric Alterman