War and Peace

Time to Stop Making Nice to the Military Time to Stop Making Nice to the Military

President Obama's go-slow approach to ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" discrimination in the military has left repeal on life support in a lame-duck session of Congress.

Nov 11, 2010 / Laura Flanders

What We Learned From WikiLeaks

What We Learned From WikiLeaks What We Learned From WikiLeaks

Perhaps, once the United States recovers its moral bearings, it will be ready to recognize the bravery of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange.

Nov 10, 2010 / Feature / Jonathan Schell

Nation Conversations: Obama and the World Nation Conversations: Obama and the World

How much has foreign policy really changed under Obama?

Nov 10, 2010 / The Nation

Netanyahu Bolstered by GOP Gains Netanyahu Bolstered by GOP Gains

Israel's blustery prime minister is feeling his oats after the Republican gains on November 2, and Iran is a target.

Nov 10, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Seminars at Sea: Jeremy Scahill on How Obama is Expanding Bush’s Wars Seminars at Sea: Jeremy Scahill on How Obama is Expanding Bush’s Wars

According to Scahill, foreign policy isn't that different today from what it was during the Bush years—if anything, Obama has increased secrecy around issues like torture...

Nov 10, 2010 / The Nation

Will the GOP’s Victory Energize Mideast Doves? Will the GOP’s Victory Energize Mideast Doves?

Election Day 2010 may look like a victory for the hawks, but it could turn out to be a step toward their long-term defeat.

Nov 9, 2010 / Ira Chernus

Hawks Wild on Iran, But Obama Has No Strategy Hawks Wild on Iran, But Obama Has No Strategy

In the Iran talks, Obama seems determined to make Iran an offer that it can, and will, refuse.

Nov 9, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Nation Conversations: Amitava Kumar and Hari Kunzru on Islamophobia Nation Conversations: Amitava Kumar and Hari Kunzru on Islamophobia

At the conclusion of a campaign season marred by Islamaphobic flash-points, how will politicians' increasing scapegoating of Muslim communities play out on the national and inter...

Nov 8, 2010 / The Nation

Guantánamo at Home? Guantánamo at Home?

Despite all the focus on Guantánamo, are a great many of America’s domestic prisons also beyond the rule of law?

Nov 8, 2010 / TomDispatch

The Lies of Islamophobia The Lies of Islamophobia

When it comes to US foreign policy and the Muslim world, it’s as if we remain fixed in the eleventh century in a perpetual battle of “us” against “the...

Nov 8, 2010 / John Feffer
