Iraq: US Still Needs Deal with Iran Iraq: US Still Needs Deal with Iran
American troop strength in Iraq is declining, meaning that the US influence is declining, too. More than ever, the United States needs an understanding with Iran on keeping Iraq wh...
Aug 19, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Pentagon Rings Alarm Over China’s Military Pentagon Rings Alarm Over China’s Military
DOD's latest report rehashes old concerns—including many from the Bush administration—while raising new ones.
Aug 17, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Afghan Women Have Already Been Abandoned Afghan Women Have Already Been Abandoned
I know Bibi Aisha, the woman on the Time cover. But the logic of those who use her image to argue for the war escapes me. The question her story raises is, What Happens if We Stay?
Aug 12, 2010 / Ann Jones

No, the Empire Doesn’t Always Win No, the Empire Doesn’t Always Win
After seven years, America's occupation of Iraq is a failure.
Aug 12, 2010 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

WikiLeaks and War Crimes WikiLeaks and War Crimes
There was a brief moment when it seemed the evidence of civilian killings, military cover ups and widespread lack of accountability contained in the WikiLeaks documents would spark...
Aug 12, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill
The Televangelist and the Warlord The Televangelist and the Warlord
Why did American televangelist Pat Robertson make a mining deal with accused war criminal and deposed Liberian President Charles Taylor?
Aug 11, 2010 / Aram Roston
Whose Hands? Whose Blood? Whose Hands? Whose Blood?
Killing civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Aug 5, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt
Rep. Dennis Kucinich Seeks to Ban Assassinations of US Citizens Rep. Dennis Kucinich Seeks to Ban Assassinations of US Citizens
Kucinich's legislation says: "No one, including the President, may instruct a person…to engage in, or conspire to engage in, the extrajudicial killing of a United State...
Aug 5, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill
What Are Teachers Worth? What Are Teachers Worth?
If we can't find a way to pay living wages for kindergarten teachers, who are we?
Aug 3, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Obama’s Plan for Iraq Is the Petraeus-Bush Iraq Plan Obama’s Plan for Iraq Is the Petraeus-Bush Iraq Plan
"The idea that Obama is making good on a campaign promise to end the war is playing with words,” says The Nation's Jeremy Scahill.
Aug 3, 2010 / Press Room