War and Peace

Of Gen. Stanley McChrystal and Blackwater (UPDATED) Of Gen. Stanley McChrystal and Blackwater (UPDATED)

There's no doubt, McChrystal was rightly relieved of his duties. But in the end, it was his words--not his actions--that sunk his ship. Blackwater's ship of misconduct, crime and m...

Jun 24, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Right Congressional Responses: It’s Not Just McChrystal, It’s an Occupation Gone Awry Right Congressional Responses: It’s Not Just McChrystal, It’s an Occupation Gone Awry

Appropriations Committee chair David Obey, Sen. Russ Feingold and Rep. Dennis Kucinich get to the heart of the matter: The problem is not a reckless general. The problem is a reckl...

Jun 24, 2010 / John Nichols

Drone Attacks to Stimulate Economy? Drone Attacks to Stimulate Economy?

What's worse: backstabbing a president or bombing lots of civilians?

Jun 23, 2010 / Laura Flanders

After McChrystal, Time to Change Course in Afghanistan After McChrystal, Time to Change Course in Afghanistan

More than six months after the implementation of McChrystal's strategy, it's clear that the policies Obama endorsed in Afghanistan are failing on all fronts.

Jun 23, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

General Discharge General Discharge

Firing McChrystal is not nearly as important as doing away with his counterinsurgency policies.

Jun 23, 2010 / Robert Scheer

Can Gen. McChrystal. Then, Can Afghan Policy

Can Gen. McChrystal. Then, Can Afghan Policy Can Gen. McChrystal. Then, Can Afghan Policy

Now that McChrystal has fragged himself, President Obama has a chance to get Afghanistan policy right. In 2009, after two reviews, he blew it—twice. Will he squander the oppo...

Jun 23, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Torture Talisman, Torture Taboo Torture Talisman, Torture Taboo

Many Americans realize that torture doesn't work—but want to believe in it anyway.

Jun 22, 2010 / Barry Eisler

Gates on McChrystal: Just an ‘Oops’ Gates on McChrystal: Just an ‘Oops’

It looks like Secretary of Defense Gates is trying to save McChrystal's skin. Here's hoping that Obama isn't listening.

Jun 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Fire McChrystal Fire McChrystal

The insurbordinate general commanding the war in Afghanistan goes off the reservation—way, way off the reservation—in an interview with Rolling Stone.

Jun 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Slide Show: A New Iraq Tethered by Old Legacies

Slide Show: A New Iraq Tethered by Old Legacies Slide Show: A New Iraq Tethered by Old Legacies

In April 2010, Human Rights Watch researcher Samer Muscati traveled across Iraq to assess the human rights situation seven years after US and Coalition forces invaded the country.

Jun 21, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation
