War and Peace

Petraeus Gets It Wrong Petraeus Gets It Wrong

Yesterday, I had a chance to question General David Petraeus about President Obama's Afghan timetable, and what he had to say leads one to suspect that if Petraeus, McChrystal, and...

Jan 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Security Contractors Set Sights on Haiti Security Contractors Set Sights on Haiti

Jeremy Scahill discusses how Haiti's earthquake creates the perfect environment for security contractors to intervene and take advantage of the lawless state.

Jan 21, 2010 / Countdown

Iran’s Power Play in Iraq Iran’s Power Play in Iraq

For years, I've written about Iran's untoward influence in Iraq. Now, it appears as if Iran is making a power play, using its Iraqi allies, that could checkmate US influence in Ira...

Jan 20, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

US Mercenaries Set Sights on Haiti US Mercenaries Set Sights on Haiti

Private firms are jumping at the opportunity to provide 'humanitarian assistance' to Haiti, but what these companies are actually bringing is a 'Shock Doctrine' approach that aims ...

Jan 19, 2010 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Holbrooke: Not Hostage to Pakistan Holbrooke: Not Hostage to Pakistan

Last week, during an appearance by Ambassador Richard Holbrooke at the Brookings Institution, I had a chance to ask him a key question about the war, concerning the Pakistan-Taliba...

Jan 12, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Blackwater and ‘The Hurt Locker’ Blackwater and ‘The Hurt Locker’

One of the stars of the widely acclaimed Iraq war film The Hurt Locker has claimed that the filmmakers hired the mercenary firm Blackwater. The producer says they were mercenaries,...

Jan 11, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

The Shadow War The Shadow War

The secret war that lies behind the CIA's recent intelligence disaster in Afghanistan.

Jan 11, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse

Iraq: A New Civil War? Iraq: A New Civil War?

The "good war" in Afghanistan isn't going so well, but the Obama administration may soon learn that the "bad war" -- that would be the one in Iraq -- isn't over...

Jan 11, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Did the CIA Deploy a Blackwater Hit Team in Germany? Did the CIA Deploy a Blackwater Hit Team in Germany?

German prosecutors have launched an investigation into allegations that a Blackwater-led CIA team conducted a clandestine operation in Hamburg after 9/11 aimed at assassinating a G...

Jan 8, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Admiral Mullen: No Attack on Iran Admiral Mullen: No Attack on Iran

Yesterday, Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made a rare public appearance to speak about America's challenges in the Middle East.  However, cont...

Jan 8, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
