A Unified Security Budget A Unified Security Budget
We need a unified security budget to coherently allocate dollars to the military, homeland security and peacemaking efforts abroad.
Jan 19, 2006 / Feature / Rep. John Conyers
Out of Iraq Out of Iraq
Elect Congressional candidates who promise to end the occupation of Iraq and bring our soldiers home.
Jan 19, 2006 / Feature / Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee
Pity the Region Pity the Region
Robert Fisk's The Great War for Civilization criticizes a self-righteous US foreign policy oblivious to the power of retributive justice in the Middle East.
Jan 19, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Augustus Richard Norton
Meanwhile, Back in Afghanistan Meanwhile, Back in Afghanistan
It's appalingly clear Team Bush is unwilling to do the hard work it takes to make Afghanistan the functioning nation it was before cold war games tore it apart.
Jan 18, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Pacifying Iraq: Insurgent Scenarios Pacifying Iraq: Insurgent Scenarios
In informal but politically credible ways, factions of Iraq's armed national resistance are developing scenarios for an honorable withdrawal of US troops and a shared set of demand...
Jan 10, 2006 / Feature / Tom Hayden
Language of the Heart Language of the Heart
We need to learn a new language of peace and love that we can speak, even shout, to our leaders who only understand the language of greed and murder.
Dec 29, 2005 / Cindy Sheehan
Dr. Germ and Mrs. Anthrax Set Free Dr. Germ and Mrs. Anthrax Set Free
Why is it not bigger news that these infamous Iraqi scientists have been quietly released from imprisonment in Iraq without any charges being brought by their US captors?
Dec 28, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
A Motion for Censure A Motion for Censure
In a report issued December 20, Representative John Conyers Jr. documents the misconduct of President Bush and his Adminisration, and makes the case that they should be censured by...
Dec 22, 2005 / Rep. John Conyers
Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory
The best outcome for US policy is the hope that Shiite and Sunni fanatics can check each other long enough for the United States to beat a credible retreat and call it a victory, a...
Dec 21, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
Iraq After the Election Iraq After the Election
In the wake of the Iraqi elections, Congress must make any future funding for American forces contingent on establishing a clear-cut deadline for withdrawal to quell the insurgency...
Dec 21, 2005 / The Editors