All the News That’s Fit to Buy All the News That’s Fit to Buy
Bush brings a robust simplicity to the business of news management: Where possible, buy journalists to turn out favorable stories. And if you think you can get away with it, shoot ...
Dec 8, 2005 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
A Transcript A Transcript
9/11 Commission calling, with questions on accountability. But from the White House side of the line come on answers, only talking points.
Dec 8, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Silence of the Doctors The Silence of the Doctors
The overlooked players in the torture scandal are the medical personnel who supervise--and often participate in--acts of torture. Military medical professionals have reportedly tai...
Dec 8, 2005 / Feature / Jonathan H. Marks
Seeds of Abu Ghraib Seeds of Abu Ghraib
Americans wondered how Army Specialist Charles Graner could torture detainees in the gruesome Abu Ghraib scandal. In war, people do things that would otherwise be unthinkable. But ...
Dec 8, 2005 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Brass Tacks Brass Tacks
"Do what has to be done" is the motto of the investigative arm of the US military. But when the understaffed institution regularly loses evidence and delays autopsies, it does too ...
Dec 8, 2005 / Feature / Tara McKelvey
The Silencing of Carlos Delgado The Silencing of Carlos Delgado
The New York Mets' squelching of first baseman Carlos Delgado's longstanding protest of the war in Iraq during the seventh-inning stretch speaks volumes about how the rules of the ...
Dec 7, 2005 / Feature / Dave Zirin
Post-9/11 Shell Game Post-9/11 Shell Game
José Padilla will never be charged, and never have his day in court.
Dec 1, 2005 / David Cole
Bush’s Iraq Outdoes Saddam Bush’s Iraq Outdoes Saddam
Ethnic cleansing, chemical weapons, self-appointed executioners: Sound familiar? The US occupation in Iraq has created conditions just as bad--if not worse--than Saddam Hussein's r...
Nov 30, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
Did Bush Really Want to Bomb Al Jazeera? Did Bush Really Want to Bomb Al Jazeera?
Given the Administration's record of attacking Al Jazeera verbally and militarily, is it conceivable that President Bush tried to convince Tony Blair to bomb its international head...
Nov 23, 2005 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill
Cheney’s Trouble with the Truth Cheney’s Trouble with the Truth
No other modern politician has come so close as Dick Cheney has to perfecting the theater of the absurd. Even as he protests his innocence of lying about matters of state, he lies ...
Nov 23, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer