War and Peace

Pat Tillman, Our Hero Pat Tillman, Our Hero

War hero and former NFL star Pat Tillman was not the GI Joe icon created by Pentagon spinmeisters. He was a fiercely independent thinker convinced that the war in Iraq was illegal....

Oct 6, 2005 / Dave Zirin

Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment

A recent surge of novels and memoirs reveals for the first time the ways in which Germans suffered from Allied "total war" strategy during World War II.

Sep 29, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Mark M. Anderson

From Lynndie England to Shaquille O’Neal From Lynndie England to Shaquille O’Neal

Americans are becoming more hostile by the day to the war in Iraq, the nation is demoralized over official abandonment of the victims of the Gulf Coast storm, but the Democratic Pa...

Sep 29, 2005 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Gitmo’s Hunger Strikers Gitmo’s Hunger Strikers

The US military is keeping the ongoing hunger strike and forced feedings of Guantanamo Bay under wraps. And an apathetic American media is showing no interest in exposing the situa...

Sep 29, 2005 / Clive Stafford Smith

Peaceniks Flood DC Peaceniks Flood DC

Last week's antiwar rally in Washington sent a single, unequivocal message: At home and abroad, the Bush Administration is a complete failure.

Sep 29, 2005 / Liza Featherstone

Out of Gas Out of Gas

Before 9/11, the Bush Administration thought tax breaks and environmental deregulation would solve the energy crisis. They were wrong. Now it's time for policies that promote cons...

Sep 29, 2005 / The Editors

St. Pat’s Four Not Guilty of Federal Charges St. Pat’s Four Not Guilty of Federal Charges

Four peace advocates were acquitted of federal conspiracy charges in connection with a 2003 protest of the Iraq War.

Sep 27, 2005 / Feature / Elizabeth Bauchner

Make Levees, Not War Make Levees, Not War

New Orleans was top-of-mind for more than 100,000 peace advocates in Washington who delivered a clear and unified message, protesting the Bush Administration's war in Iraq and its ...

Sep 25, 2005 / Liza Featherstone

The FBI Fails (For Now) to Grab Subpoena Powers The FBI Fails (For Now) to Grab Subpoena Powers

The FBI--with apparent White House approval--continues to seek the authority to bypass the court system in pursuit of evidence against terror suspects.

Sep 22, 2005 / Feature / David Corn

Anywhere But Here Anywhere But Here

Tim Burton enlivens the dark and gloomy life of corpses and aristocrats in Corpse Bride; Occupation: Dreamland offers an unsentimental view of Iraqi soldiers.

Sep 22, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
